What we call forever isnt forever after all.

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once we landed in italy it was 1030pm, and the kids were not having it, and aria was throwing a hissy fit. I fed her, and got her to bed. We then fed the other 6 kids and got them to bed along with nonna. Then, me & sean, lexi & zeno, mom & dan, frankie & simon, all went on quadruple dinner date. As soon as we got to the restraunt, paparazzi was waiting for us, along with cute babes. We made some poses for the paps, and we met the babes and took selfies with them all.

u babes are soso cutie!!!. i love getting to meet you all it makes my heart explode everytime. 💛

we then had our delicious foreign dinner with some wine, and enjoyed each others company.

"I would like to make a toast" Frankie smiled as we all raised our glasses, "I wanna start off by saying I love y'all so so much, and I appreciate how close we all are and how we're all best friends, and I'm very excited to say that me and simons amazing carrier Megan is 3 months pregnant with our baby!" "Frankie omg!" My mom beamed as we all gasps out of exitment. I'm very excited to be getting a new neice or nephew, the more the babies the better.

Next morning

"Good morning cupcake!" I said kissing arias chubby cheeks, as she giggled. Tayler & Tyler then came running in the room, "aunti Ari!" They beamed, "hi babies" I smiled kissing them, "you guys what did I say about barging in? Go see daddy auntie is about to feed the baby" lexi said as they ran out the room, "good morning cupcake" lexi said nibbling at arias cheeks grabbing her as I grabbed my pump. I then pumped enough for the rest of our trip, I fed aria and got her ready for the day. Sean then took over so I could get ready for the day and get ailani Chloe and nohlan ready. "Mommy what are the plans for today" ailani said brushing her teeth, "were gonna go thru the city and show you were you were baptized" I said putting aria in her baby launch. "Sounds good to me" ailani said causing me to giggle. We then all had breakfast, and took off.

Our first stop was Starbucks, bc none of us can live without it. I got a soy Carmel latte, Sean got a all black iced coffee, ailani & Chloe got chocolate chip mochas, nohlan just got water, and everyone else got green tea. We first stopped by where Nonna's parents got married at. You can tell nonna was living, I was a lil paparazzi with my polorid. Then we stopped by the candy shop to get old fashion Italian candy, then we went to the place where ailani got baptized, and we arranged for aria to get baptized here on our last day. We then shopped ofc, and we took a boat across the beautiful seas, and adventured all around italy.

We then stopped and had lunch, and headed back to the hotel to put the kids down for a nap. Aria and nohlan passed out right away, I put bubble guppies on for the girls, they then passed out. Tyler was being stubborn and giving zeno a hard time, while Taylor was sleeping with the girls. "baby just take a nap okay? when you wake up we can go swimming." lexi said holding Tyler, "ugh fine mommy" Tyler said causing all of us to laugh, he then went to lay down and shortly after he was sleeping. "and that is how you do it my friend" lexi said smirking as she kissed zeno.

We then left the kids with trish, and went wine tasting.

"okay i'll like to make a cheers to our friend group, and this beautiful vacation get away for nonna" my mom smiled, "cheers to that" nonna said as we all laughed and cheers. "and cheers to love " Sean said being a mush, "aww" everyone said unison , "i love you" I said kissing him, "i love you too baby" he smiled. Afterwords we went to the harder stuff , and we were taking pics by the ocean, and Sean was acting shady on his phone, he kept texting someone idk who thou, i just brushed it off and didn't let it get to me & ruin my time with my family.

Once we got back to the hotel we took the kids swimming as promised, Sean was still on his damn phone acting shady, kept texting someone, not even paying attention to the kids. At this point, i'm starting to get pissed off & specious...i don't think Sean would ever cheat on me but you never know I guess. Still, didn't let it ruin my time, I was still having fun with my kids.

Once we got back to the hotel room, lexi & sean were bathing the kids, I was getting dressed into some more comfortable clothes & I saw Sean's phone on the bed..never in our whole marriage did i ever feel the need to go thru sean's phone, but right now i do. I unlock his phone and go thru his messages, I see a whole bunch of random unnamed numbers. I press the first one and I see a whole lotta nude pictures ...and there not from me. I scroll up and I see the messages and the kind of things the bitch is saying to Sean and what he's saying to this bitch makes me sick to my stomach.. my heart is beating so fast I can't even feel it.

s- hey baby ♥️😛
b- hi boo 😆
s- u gon give me some pussy tonight ?
b- where's ariana?
s- she's gone for the weekend 😊
b- alright i'll come 🤤
s- aight lil baby 😏 what time you want me to get you ?
b- 930 good?
s- perfect😍 i'll see you then
b- aight baby 👅

you've got to be fucking kidding right ??? i'm so beyond pissed i can't put in to words. these messages were two weeks ago, when i went on a girls trip with lexi. Tears are rolling down my face I don't even know what to say right now. I go in to another text message from a different bitch, "hey ari-...what's wrong why are you crying?" i look up and see alexa with a concerned look on her face. "look sean's cheating on me" i say crying harder handing lexi the phone "what!" she said going thru the messages. "oh my fucking god, your kidding right" lexi said in shock, Sean then came in the room with a scared face as he saw we had his phone. "ur fucking bitches?!!" I said pissed off as ever, "ariana what the fuck are you talking about?!" Sean said rudely , "we have your fucking phone!!! what the fuck do you mean??!! answer my damn question so we're fucking bitches now?!!!" i said showing him his phone.

to be continued ....


the end !!!!...of this book lmao. thank y'all for the continuous support of this book the past two years & 116 chapters. makes me sad to end this book, because i love this book with all my heart and i've put so much thought & love in to this book the past two years . but i'm very excited to share my sequel with you, it's so pretty & different i think y'all will really love it. i love you & thank you for everything my honeys ♡🍯.

the sequel is now out 💛 !!! "as i lay by your side" enjoy honeys !!!

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