danger of chicago

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Were now in chicago, and were excited to take the kids to the chicago toy store, there gonna die of exictment. "Are you guys ready to go to the toy store?!" I said taking nohlan out of his highchair as we were leaving the restraunt. "Yeeaaah! I cant wait to buy a bunch of toys mommy!" Ailani said jumping up & down, i giggled, "baby your birthday is coming up. Are you excited to be 3?!" I said putting nohlan on my hip, "yeah im a big girl" ailani said confendtaly, "yes you are" i said grabbing her hand as we went to the car.

We then got the toy store, and we saw some fans but star is with us because we wanted to have a normal day with the kids. "Hi babies i love you!" I say blowing kisses as we walked away keeping our distance. "Ohhh you guys look at this toy!" Sean said picking up a lightsaver, "daddy i want one!" Ailani said, "you can have one baby" i said handing nohlan one, "thanks mommy" ailani said swinging it around, "your welcome babe" i said smiling, i love my babies so much. "Shit i want one" sean said laughing, "you can have one too honey" i said laughing at his cutness, "thanks mom! Daddy haves one too!" Sean said as the kids giggled, i laughed at there nerdyness. We then bought more new toys and we checked out, we then checked in the hotel, the kids took a nap while me sean & alexa hit the gym while my mom stayed at the hotel with the kids. As we were making our way back to the hotel, my phone started ringing and it was my mom, i anwsered it.

Ari- whats up momma?
Joan- omg ar- ari! *crying*
Ari- mom whats wrong?!
Joan- theres some- somebody shooting in the lo-loby!!!
Ari- what omg??!!
*gun shots go off*
Ari- mom!!!!!!
Joan- *sobbing* ari im scared the kids are asleep theres men in the hallway and theres men in the lobby there shooting ari there shooting where do i go?!?!
Ari- omg mom were in the car were on our way! Grab all of the kids and go in the closet and lock yourself in there call dan & frankie, were calling the cops!!
Joan- *crying* okay im grabbing the kids now
"Mommy wheres mommy?" *ailani asks*
Ari- omg my poor baby *crying* im on my way mom!!!!

"theres a shooting at the hotel call the cops!!! Step on it!!!!" I yell as the driver steps on it as we all call the cops & i cant stop crying. once we get to the hotel theres holicopters there & a bunch of cop cars there and we see the shooters in the hand cuffs getting in the cop cars and my heart gives out a relief. "It aint over yet niggas we will be back!!!" One of the shooters yelled as the cops put him in the car. We run in the hotel and i see my mom & dan crying holding ailani & nohlan, tears run down my face "hi my babies mommy is right here your okay!" I say as me and sean hold them and cry. Alexa grabs her twins and cries, frankie and simon also shead a few tears as they hold aemila. "Cmon guys were getting the fuck out of here" i said as the cops make sure we are alright. We got in our hotel room pack everything up and we get in the car. As im buckling in ailani & nohlan, i give nohlan his poouch and i give ailani some animal crackers & some juice. the paparazzi then comes, asking a bunch of questions, i put my hand up and get in the car as we drive off.

"You babies okay?" I ask looking at ailani & nohlan, "yeah" they both say in union as they eat there snacks. "Babe were cancling the show tonight" i say looking at sean, "fuck yeah were cancling the show tonight, we will reschdule when your ready" sean said grabbing my hand. "I love you" i said, "i love you too baby" sean said kissing me, "daddy loves you guys too" sean said smiling at ailani & nohlan, "love you" they said in union smiling.

We then went upriver and checked in to a more private hotel. The kids went to sleep, and we all were laying in bed watching tv, we all have been on social media mute since it happened, were just so terrified still, but everyone knows its all over the headlines. The babes know we cancled the show, or we would be preforming right now. I decieded to make a statment.

Dear babes, what happened to us today was absolutely utterly terryfing. And we dont want our children around that ever again, therefore we had to put ourselfs & our children in a much safer & more private location just for our saftey for the next 24 hours. We were in no condontion to preform for yall tonight. We will reschedule tommorow evening at richfield park upriver for a quick lil m&g and preformance for free ♡. See you soon, we are so sorry & we love you much more then you could imagine. Stay safe my babes, xoxo.

Next morning ...

"Morning babies" i said hugging nohlan as him and ailani jumped on me and sean. "Morning princess" sean said kissing ailani, "are you guys hungary?" I said getting up going pee, "yeah" ailani said jumping on the bed. Me and sean made everyone breakfest, we then ate gave the kids a bath, and took showers & got ready. tbh me and sean dont want our kids in chicago another secound, so we sent my mom dan, ailani nohlan alexa the twins, nonna frankie and simon and aemila, off to vegas, once me and sean finish preforming were catching a flight to vegas & getting the fuck out of chicago.

"Babies, go with grandma & grandpa, me & daddy will see you soon" i said hugging & kissing ailani & nohlan as they got on there plane. "I love you" i said as we left, "love you" they said in union as the plane door went up.

Me and sean, then went to the park with star, as the babes waited for us. We did the m&g, and i preformed dangerous women, be alright, bad descions, i dont care. Sean preformed, sefish, on the way, my last, dance ass. "Thanks babies love you" i said as i blew kisses as me & sean left.

Thank you chicago babes, it was fun and sweet 💘. Vegass, your nextt. #seeyousoonvegasbabes

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