it aint our problem baby

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We're now home from Jamaica, and were in our home, we have a week to rest up before we go back on tour. I'm working out in our home gym listening to music, while sean is watching movies with the kids. I then take a shower, and throw on some sweats and go downstairs. "Ailani get up honey you have gymnastics" I said walking in front of the TV. "Mommy I don't wanna go" ailani said resting her head on sean, "cmon babe you have to your about to have compition you can't miss the last few classes" I said, "but mommy" ailani whined, "ailani don't whine listen to mommy and be a good girl. Go get ready for gymnastics" sean said, "fine" ailani pouted and went upstairs as I giggled at her attitude. "Thanks for the help babe" I said smiling, "I'm her father, no need to thank me" sean chuckled. "Will she seems to listen to you better then she listens to me" I said, "thats bc your a pussy and she knows it" sean smirked, "will guess who won't be getting any later" I said throwing a pillow at him. "No baby I'm sorry" sean said laughing as he grabbed me as I giggled. "I'm not a pussy" I pouted, sean chuckled and kissed me lightly, "just a lil it's okay thou I still love you" sean said as I slapped him. "I hate you" I said smirking, "you don't mean that" sean chuckled, "mhm" I said rubbing his head, "mm no you don't" sean said as he began to kiss my kneck. "Ahh sean Nohlan is right here stop baby" I said tilting my head, "then why are you tilting your head" sean said chuckling as he started to suck on my kneck, I giggled "because it feels good" I said. Ailani cleared her throat, I jumped "I'm ready" ailani said "okay let's go. We will finish this later" I winked at sean as I kissed him goodbye. "Bye princess, have fun at gymnastics" sean said smiling, ailani glared at him and went upstairs "hey what did I do?" Sean said grabbing his chest making me laugh, "I think it's because you told her what todo and she's your little princess and your not supposed todo that only I am" I said, "psh yeah right" sean said, "mhm bye" I said as we both laughed.

"Okay babe I'll come and pick you up at 730 I love you gimme a kiss" I said dropping her off at the door, "love you mommy" ailani said kissing me then running up to the door. I went to Starbucks to get a soy latte I then went to lexis house to start planning some of her & Zenos wedding.

To: My baby ❤🍍
Fyi ailani kissed me when I dropped her off so she's not mad at me who's the pussy now?

From: My baby ❤🍍
Still you 😂 she knows she can't be mad at you for long bc your a pussy she don't care if she's mad at me haha

To: My baby ❤🍍
I hate you 😂😂😂😂

From: My baby ❤🍍
Yeah right. I have a surprise for you when you come home.

To: My baby ❤🍍
Oh really?. I gtg Lexi is getting pissed I'll see you when I get home 😉.

From: My baby ❤🍍
K love you.

To: My baby ❤🍍
love you.

"Hi baby can you give mommy a min" Lexi said picking up Tyler, "here come see auntie ari" I said holding him, he started reaching for my phone. "Here you can have it. You can have whatever you want" I said in my baby voice giving him my phone. "Hi baby" Zeno said as tayler wanted to be held. "K babe I need your attention right now" Lexi said, "you have it but tayler also wants my attention so your gonna have to share it" Zeno said. "Zeno I need your full attention" Lexi said, "what do you expect from me Lexi? I can only do so much" Zeno snapped, "uhm" I said getting uncomfortable, "Zeno! This isn't much all im asking for is just this much of your attention so we can plan our fucking wedding!" Lexi snapped, "look! I try to help with the wedding, I try to help around the house, I try to help take care of your fucking kids but nothing I do is ever good enough for you! What do you want from me Alexa!?" Zeno yelled, "my fucking kids?! These are my fucking kids?!. I thought the kids were the both of ours but I can make them my fucking kids real fast!" Lexi yelled. "You know what! Please do! I'm outta here" Zeno yelled "go I don't give a fuck!!" Lexi yelled as Zeno slammed the door. "Lexi" I said softly as tears rolled down her face, "you know what I can't believe him!. God I hate him. Was I that stupid to fall for a guy like him again" Lexi said as she threw the wedding book across the room. "No your not baby. Your a normal woman, that's just looking for love. It's a fight, me and sean had billions of them. You will make up, I'm here for you" I said as I held her in my arms.

I then picked ailani up from gymnastics and headed home feeling bad for Lexi..what a night. We then got in the house, "babe go get changed in to PJs and I will make you a snack" I said as she went upstairs "okay mommy" ailani said. I walked in the living room to see sean and Zeno talking having a drink. "Where's Nohlan?" I asked getting a plate down, "sleeping upstairs" sean said, "can you come here for sec" I said getting out some fruit and cream. "What's up baby?" Sean asked, "did Zeno tell you about the fight w Lexi?" I asked, "yeah we're talking about it right now" sean said, "I don't want him in my house." I said. "Hes my best friend" sean said, "so Lexi is my best friend and he disrespected her I don't want him in my house" I said cutting up fruit, "ariana he didn't do anything wrong" sean said, "did you not hear what I just said? He disrespected Lexi and I don't want him in my house" I said, "will you should tell your best friend to stop being such a bitch and learn how to appreate a nigga when he deserves to be appreciated" sean snapped. "Exuce you!!. First of all don't you ever call Lexi a bitch again. And I don't give a fuck about his feelings, when I say I want him out my house I want him out my motherfucking house. You have 5 mins he if he's not out were gonna have a problem" I snapped. Sean groaned and left the kitchen I then threw the knife in the sink and went upstairs to give ailani her snack.

"Here baby eat this, then let's brush your teeth and get ready for bed okay" I said turning on her TV, "okay mommy" ailani said as she dipped her strawberry in cream and took a bite. I then went to check on Nohlan, sleeping peacefully I gave him a kiss and went in my room. I got changed in to seans T-shirt and went downstairs to get some fruit and cream for myself. I looked out the window and saw sean & Zeno talking by Zenos car, I groaned and pulled out a water bottle and went back to our room. I got in bed and turned on the TV, as I ate my fruit and watched "orange is the new black". "Mommy I'm done" I heard ailani say from across the hall, "coming baby" I said as I went in her room I saw sean sitting on ailanis bed kissing her goodnight taking the plate from her. I turned around and went back in our room to resume what I was doing. A few moments later sean came in the room, and took his shirt & pants off. "You never came in ailanis room" sean said, I rolled my eyes and kept on watching TV eating my fruit. "Why are you giving me attitude I never did anything wrong in this whole situation" sean said, "sean I'm not talking about this with you right now. I'm relaxing, leave me alone" I said as I ate a strawberry. "Whatever" sean sighed as he grabbed a blanket and a pillow as he left our room I rolled my eyes and continued to watch TV.

I woke up with a plate on my belly and noticed it was 1am, with the TV & lights still on I must've dosed off. I looked to my side and noticed sean wasn't there, I pouted feeling bad this isn't his fault he was just being a good friend like I was with Lexi. I instantly felt bad and got up, and went downstairs to put my dish in the sink, I looked in the living room he wasn't there. I went downstairs and saw him laying on the couch scrolling thru channels. "Baby" I said walking to the couch rubbing my eyes, "hm?" he said looking at the TV, "come to bed I miss you" I said in my baby voice "no you don't" sean said looking at me, "mhm" I said crawling on him, I then straddled him and licked my lips. "I'm relaxing leave me alone" sean said immitating me, as I smirked "oh alright then" I said as I started to get up "no I'm just kidding" sean said grabbing my hips as we both laughed. "Come to bed pleaseeee" I whined, "okay gimme a kiss. This isn't our problem and I'm not trying to make it our problem I love you and were not gonna fight over other peoples problems" sean said he then kissed me passionatly. "I love you too let's go" I said as we got up and went up stairs. We got in our room, I turned the TV off and I layed down. Sean got on top of me, and layed his head on my tummy as I rubbed his head, "this is so relaxing" sean said grabbing my hips as I giggled. "I want a kiss" I said sean gave me a passionate kiss and layed back down. "Love you" I said, "I love you too baby" sean said.


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