The Truth Be Told In Detroit

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Edward's POV

I've been keeping a secret... for 16 years....nobody has ever known or the truth of why Joan and I got a divorce. It was pcyhological problems, and I shamefuly cheated. Will when I cheated, nobody knew that I got the woman pregnant. And she had the baby girl, Arielle. She's 16 now, and I haven't seen her since she was 5. I was ashamed.. nobody knows that Arielle is my daughter, except for me and the mother. Ariana haves a little sister she doesn't even know about....I can't keep the secret no longer...the guilt eating me alive. Its time to confess...

Arielle POV

I'm 16, I'm the only child. Its just me and my mom, I don't know my dad. The last time I seen him is when I was 5..11 years ago great dad huh?. All my mom told me was he cheated on his wife, with her and got her pregnant. And then came back 5 years later to just see what I look like & then he left. Never came again. I don't even know his name, my mom said it isn't important. I just left it at that. My mom worked her butt off to give me the best life possible & she did. I love my mom to pieces. Me and her are extremely close. She's my favorite person ever, the strongest woman I know. And I'm very grateful for her. But something has been up....I don't know what it is it's just not right...I need to get to the bottom of it.

Arielle- hey mom, do you have a min to talk?
Sophie- yes sweetie, what's up?
Arielle- you have been acting different lately... what's going on, don't lie to me.
Sophie- nothing has been going on babe.
Arielle- mom please! I thought we we're honest with eachother.
Sophie- we are elle. Nothing is going on.
Arielle- mom....tell the truth.
Sophie- sighing. I'm not getting out of this am I?
Arielle- nope. Tell me.
Sophie- alright, alright. Your dad has been wanting to get ahold of you...
Arielle- are you fucking kidding me?!. Why now!!!!!?
Sophie- elle! I don't know...but the choice is yours.
Arielle- did he tell you why?
Sophie- will you have a sister he wants you to meet.
Arielle- what's his number?
Sophie- right over there. I think you should call him elle. Give it a shot, start over.
Arielle- I'll think about it.
Sophie - alright babe, that's good enough for now. Meanwhile I gotta go to work, your food is in the fridge. Ill see you later. Kissing her forehead. I love you.
Arielle- love you.
Sophie - piece of pie?
Arielle- piece of cake.

I have been thinking about what my mom said to me, and I'm gonna call my dad. I need to start over. Not for him, but for me.

Arielle- hello?
Edward- hello, who is this?
Arielle- your daughter Arielle.
Edward- oh my god, hi sweetie. Im so glad you called me, thank you.
Arielle- yeah will, whats up?.
Edward- i wanna see you. I havent seen you in 11 years. Wanna have lunch?
Arielle- today?
Edward- yeah. How about at Big Boys just to talk?
Arielle- i guess. What time?
Edward- in a hour
Arielle- alright. See you then.
Edward- okay, bye.
Arielle- bye.

My heart is terrifed. What if he dont show up?. I straghten my hair, i put on white shorts a crop top & some vans. Leaving it simple with some foundation.

To: Mom
Hey mom, im going to Big Boys with dad. Ill call you later.

From: Mom
Omg okay sweetie, you got this. Have fun, love you.

To: Mom
love you <3.

I arrive at Big Boys. I go on twitter to Ariana Anderson's account. I love her so much, shes perfect in everything she does. Alot of people say i look like her, i only wish i was related to her. Then i hear a male voice say "Arielle"

Arielle- dad?
Edward- teary hi sweetie
Arielle- teary hi dad. Hugging.
Edward- so how are you?
Arielle- I'm good. Mom has given me the best life.
Edward- I'm glad. And I'm so sorry I haven't been there.
Arielle- that doesn't matter anymore. What matters is that your here now right?
Edward - right.
Arielle- okay. So I have a sister?
Edward- yes you do, her name is Ariana.
Arielle- such a pretty name. Whats your name?
Edward- my name is Edward Butera .

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