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"Mrs Anderson?" The docter says as he comes in, "yes" i say thru my tears. "Your husband is in a coma, he went thru a very terrible car accdent. Hes unable to breathe on his own, if we take the tubes away he will pass. Hes gonna have to recover, it could take days, weeks, months, up to a year, but if hes not better within a month, he will become a vegtable, and it will be better if we just let him have peace and let him pass" the docter said. "Idc what i have to do, hes my fucking husband, and the father of my children, i will do everything in my power to prevent him from fucking dying" i say crying looking at my lifeless husband....lifeless... "im not giving up on you baby im right here" i say kissing him as i sob.

3 weeks later

Sean is still in the hostipal, my mom and nonna have been keeping ailani since this all happened and i havent left seans side. Im so heart broken, diapressed. I cant lose my husband, the love of my life, i refuse. I already lost my grandpa, im not losing sean. me and my family have been on social media mute for the past 3 weeks, i know our fans are freaking tf out, but i dont kno how to adress this, im still devastated. They kno what happened, its on headlines everywhere.

Yes, its true. Sean is in a coma, were all still devastated but we will get thru this together. Thank you for the prayers, please continue to pray ♡. 

1 week later

Sean is still in a coma, they say if hes not up by tommorow then hes off of life support and he will die. Its been 1 month, and hes not awake, his brain is making forword movements and hes responding to toch and noise so thats good news. Im on the phone with my mom, giving her the update, and then i hear some gruants from sean, and hes moving trying to open his eyes, "omg, docter! DOCTER!" I say running over to sean as i drop my phone, "hes awake!!!" The all say, unhooking him from everything taking the tubes out of his nose. "Baby" i say softly as he opens his eyes looking at me, "hi baby" he says with tears running down his face, i then start crying and i grab him and hold him and squeeze him as tight as i could. "I missed you. please dont ever leave me" i say sobbing, "i wont baby. Im right here, im right here, im not going any where" sean said crying holding me tight. i then looked at him, and kissed him passionatly, "i love you" i said, "i love you too. I love you so much" sean said holding me. "baby what happened i remember driving to the hotel, and the rest i dont remember" sean said, "so you were making a U turn, and so was a truck, and he smashed right in to the left side of you, and he made the car skid and turn over, and you passed out and went in to a coma...for a month" i said softly, "and if you didnt wake up tommrow, you were gonna die...we almost lost you" i said with tears streaming down my face. "Baby but you didnt, and your not. Im right here" sean said softly kissing me. "Wheres ailani?" Sean asked, "shes been with my mom & nonna, wanna see her. She misses you" i said smiling, "yeah i wanna see princess. Hows my lil man?" Sean asked smiling rubbing my huge belly, "hes good. He will be here soon" i said smiling calling my mom.

Ailani, my mom, nonna, dan, frankie, simon, emila, alexa, the twins, zeno, tone, myra, james, brett, and everybody came to see him. It was a huge day filled with lots of tears, love, laughs. Sean had to have some testing done, to make sure nothing came back negative, and he haves no bleeding from the brain or brain damage. And everything came back postive, his brain is perfectly healthy, everything is set togo home 😊.

Prayers worked babes 😊♡. Sean is awake, and alll of the test came back postive hes perfectly healthy and set togo home and snuggle with ailani 😊. We love you ♡.
Pic of sean & ailani in a wheelchair

We put ailani for a nap when we got home, and i made me and sean fruit salads and we watched scary movies cuddling on the couch. "I love you" i said, "i love you too" sean said kissing me.

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