ailanis 3rdd ☔

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Were now in vegass, and tommorow is ailani's birthday, i cant believe my baby is gonna be 3!😭. Were taking showers and getting ready now, i streghtened my hair and left it down, i applied concelier, lip stick, mascara, eye shawdow and eye liner. I then got dressed in my m&g outfit. A "pink" flower sweater with some leggings and pink converse.

Sean got dressed in

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Sean got dressed in

"Alright ready guys?" I say as i grab my phone, "yeah" my mom says, as we all get the bed and look up at the massive mirror above me and seans bed, me and sean kiss, ailani and nohlan kiss, my mom and dan kiss, alexa kisses her twins, nonna kisses...

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"Alright ready guys?" I say as i grab my phone, "yeah" my mom says, as we all get the bed and look up at the massive mirror above me and seans bed, me and sean kiss, ailani and nohlan kiss, my mom and dan kiss, alexa kisses her twins, nonna kisses ameila, and frankie & simon kiss for the pic.

"Kiss the ones you love / see you soon vegas baes 💋💭" i then uploaded it to my snapchat, we then left for the stadium.

The babes outside waiting we took selfies with them & signed autographs, "thanks babes love you" i said as me and sean were about to go inside, "wait ariana can you please wish my sister a happy birthday?" A fan asked, "ofc whats her name?" I smiled, "alisha" "happy birthday alisha! Love you!" I said i then kissed the fan on the cheek and left.

We had now time to go to our dressing room so we went staraight to the m&g. we then got to our dressing room to warm up our vocals and get dressed.

"Vegas! We can already feel the love, yall are the cutest! See you in 5 mins *blows kiss*" "we love you a shit ton vegas 🎠" i then upload it to my story.

We get in our prayer circle, and i take a drink of my water. "This is our 6th preformance, the last month on tour has been an honor & a blessing to be able to do this together as a family, with myra and grandpa by our side. Have vegas be the time of our lifes tonight amen!" Brian said, "amen!" We said in union, "on 3 yaaas viva las vegas" scott said, "123 yaaaas viva las vegas!" we said in union then laughed. I then got on the lift, as the 10 sec timer started and smoke surrounded the stage. "vegas! How yall feeling?!" I said as everyone went crazy, "i have a surprise for you babes, im gonna preform a single off of my album called "bad desecions" with my mimu gloves" i said smiling as everyone went crazy. I then slipped my mimu gloves on as the music started, after the song everyone lost there shit. I then got on a huge swing that swung me around the staidum as dangerous women started. After i finshed sean came on stage shirtless, everyone lost there shit onceagain, we just laughed. During "my last" i grabbed ailani and we went on stage to dance with sean, she was having the time of her life, my heart couldnt handle it. We then finshed as confetti came down, "thank ya vegas we love you" sean said as we went backstage.

Thank you vegas for making tonight so magical ✨, love you.

Next morning

I woke up & went pee, i checked on everyone as they all were asleep still its 9am. I went to starbucks to get me a soy latte, and ailani some donuts & her favorite milkshake. I then made her some pancakes and fruit, and i put a candle in her pancakes and i set all of her presents by her bed, she got a shit ton of presents 😊. its now 10am, and everyone is waking up exept for ailani, she then wakes up and we all sing her happy birthday, "happy birthday baby we love you!" I say as she blows out her candle, we then cheer and i hand her, her milkshake. "My milkshake!" Ailani says exitdley as we all laugh as she takes a sip. We all eat breakfest, "babe look what else i got you" i say handing her, her donuts. "My donuts!" Ailani gasps smiling, we all laugh again shes so exited. She eats a donut as me and sean hand her a present. "This one is from me and mommy princess" sean says smiling, she smiles and opens it. "AN IPAD OMG AN IPAD MOMMY I HAVE A IPAD!" ailani yells holding it up, we laugh again harder "yeah baby its an ipad" i say trying to catch my breathe. we the got ready to go in the vegas strip parade, for elmo & bubble guppies to sing happy birthday to ailani.

Once we got down there fans surrounded us but we had security with us, and bubble guppies & elmo sang to ailani, and she was overwhelmed with excitement. We then went to the carnvial and rode rides all day, it was honestly the best day ever 😌.

HAPPY 3RD BIRTHDAY BELMISSMA! 😭♡🎂. i cant believe iv been a momma for three years already, it hasnt been easy but you sure make every sec worth it. Your are the best thing that has ever happened to me, you make me the happiest, and i would be lost without you. Your my everything, and having a daughter has tought me so much about love, that i didnt even know existed. Thanks for being you, and being my daughter, i appreate it. love you 💕.
A pic of ari kissing ailani when she was a newborn.

Happy birthday princess! Your already 3, damn. I love you more then i have ever loved another human being. If i had to do it all over again, i would, i wouldnt change a thing about you, your perfectly perfect. Thank you for waking me up every morning at my feet, bringing your beautiful smile to my eyes, thank you for making me laugh at your perfect innocence, thank you for making me feeling like im prefecting this dad thing, because every secound your worth it. I love you baby 😘.

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