His Pleasure.

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Asha's P.O.V.

"Babe your phone" I mumble as I try to go back to sleep but his phone won't let me I lift my head up and look at my sleeping man and gently tap his shoulder.

he doesn't budge I kiss his lips he still doesn't budge.

so I pull back the bed covers and his beautiful light chocolate skin shines do to the sun peaking through the white window curtains and onto our master bed.

I take a moment and think of how to wake him up an Idea pops into my head I smile and kiss his abs his sensitive part his phone is still ringing.

" I thought I told you to answer that".

I say as I sat on top of him he places his hands on my ass and smacks my left ass cheek hard.

" ow Daddy!" I screech as I feel the sting he placed on me he smiles cockily and bites his bottom lip.

" I think I should go see my brother today".

I say as I stare down at my husband who has one hand stroking my long red hair I stare back into his dark chocolate eyes and think to myself I am one lucky girl to have a billionaire for a Husband.

even though I'd love him if he was broke.

" I thought you and your brother weren't on speaking terms" Ashon says as I slide off of him and sit next to him in the unmade bed.

I watch as he sits up and leans his back against the head Board he places his hands into a fold position and sighs hard.

"babe what's wrong?" I ask as I slide closer to my Depressed man I can see in his eyes something is bothering him I know my man very well to know what's up.

He stares into my eyes.

" the Business these people in Atlanta want to buy me out and move it up there I'll have a better chance at making money" he says.

I pause and wait a minute to process his information.

" so what's the problem?" I ask as I look at the bed and then my man who is in deep thought.

" Do you want to move the business?" I question he sighs harder this time and then speaks.

" It Means more money for you and me But it also means we will be apart for a while" he says my throat begins to burn as I try to ignore the vision of us being apart for to long.

lord knows I love my man and he loves me ore than anything.

{ In a Vision inside Asha's Head} "

Wait don't go please I need you how could you lie to me play with my heart like that you told me you loved me!" I yell at the top of my lungs.

as I toss out the guys clothes on to the front porch.

" I hate you you fucking lying manipulating son of a bitch!" I go into the house and grab a tub of gasoline and began tossing it onto the fresh new clothes.

" you think you can cheat on me and get away with it fuck you!" I yell I flick on the red lighter in my hands and watch the clothes burn.

I take slow and steady sips of my red wine as I look at the clothes angrly.

the clothes burned slow and I enjoyed watching it too hell he deserved it i couldn't believe he cheated on me and thought I didn't know.

" Asha, Asha!" my husband yells while gently shaking me.

I slide out of the vision and look at my worried husband.

" are you okay?" he asked as he wipes the left side of my face he wipes away my tears as I look at him.

I shake my head and slide back into my sleeping spot on the plush king size bed.

" Babe are you alright Ma?" he asks again and I sob just a little I feel his hands on my thigh as he rubs up and down.

He carefully laid his head on my shoulder he places his muscular arm around my boobs and he kisses my cold wet cheek.

" I love you Baby" he whispers into my ear as he continues to kiss my face.

I close my eyes and let his voice fade into the distance as I try to sleep I don't know what that was about but I hope I never do or see another one again.

Because that can get me in serious trouble forreal.

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