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Ashon's P.O.V.

" I dont Know Why In the Hell I come Downstairs and Rah is All over My wife like Did Dis Dude Bump his head or Some Cause I may have Reach for my Nine Milli in the Back of my Jeans" I say as I look at Rah and Asha who looks like a Deer in the Head Lights.

"Baby Its Not what you think Rah was Just Leaving She says Through Her Clenged together teeth and I could Tell she was Beyond pissed.

I look at Rah and then Asha who has her arms folded over her chest she looks Rah up and Down and I do the same I grab her waist and pull her into me.

"Okay so thats the Last of Samiya's........Jamal pauses And Senses the tention and then says "Stuff everything alright in Here?".

He asked Completely Clueless as to what happened in the Kitchen a few Minutes ago.

"Yea Jamal I was just saying Goodbye to Asha Raheem says with frowned eyebrows therowly on me I smack my teeth and watch as he turns and walks to Jamal.

"See You Around Asha" Rah says Smiling Sinisterly at me as He and Jamal Leave I watch Ashon walk over to the Door an lock it.

He heads Back towards me I begin Grabbing a Pot and pouring water into it "Asha you wanna tell me what's up?"

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