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-Sunday Evening-

Asha's P.O.V.

Being at My Mom's Sunday Church Dinner Was Making Me a Little annoyed I kept Having to Greet old people from the Church and Talk with them about Why I don't attend the Church often.

I pulled out My phone as I sat at a Table secluded from all the other people I was Happy that My Mama was enjoying Herself with all Her Friends.

I noticed a Shadowy Figure approaching Me I quickly Jerked my head up to find Raheem and My Brother Jamal Starring at Me.

"Hey sis" Jamal says Looking around at everyone as Rah kept his eyes Locked on Me and I don't know why this Fools even in My presence.

"Jamal you Know Mama is Not Gone Be to Happy to See you and all ya thugs up in Here" I said Rising to My Feet and Pointing My Finger at all His Friends who were all Dressed to impress.

He stared at Mama who was Dancing with some of the old folks she was smiling so Big.

"Look I am Mama's child too Now I may not attend church as often as you But I still came to show Love after all isn't that Why you're Here?", he says questioning My apperance.

I frown my face at him as He walks over to Mama who stops dancing to Greet Her Son.

Raheem stands infront of me silent and Unmoved He has his hands placed in the front of his Jeans he wore a black shirt and gold Chain that stopped at the top of his shirt.

"So you Just Gone ignore Me?" He says and He's Correct I haven't spoken to him since that surprised kiss that Happened at My House Last week.

"Rah I have Nothing to sayto you I add as I walk Back over to the Buffet table and Grab another aluminum Foil Plate and Prepare Me another Meal to Go there was Still alot of Food Left Ribs,Steaks,Hamburgers,PotRoast,Salad,CollardGreens, Blueberrypie,Raspberrypie.

CrabLeg, Pasta, Shrimp Dishes PeachCobbler My Favorite and Mama's Famous Sweet Rolls I Began to pile food onto the plate I held in My hands while Rah was still Grilling Me and I honestly Didn't Care.

"Asha Come On You know you Can't ignore me Girl" he says placing his hands on My waist I instantly turn around And stare him down like he Carzy.

He licks His lips and tilts My Head up to Meet His Eyes I push him off Of Me and He chuckles at My Rejection towards Him.

I walk towards the Gate and yell "Goodbye"to my Mama who Looks Hurt that I'm Leaving so Soon.

I stare at Her sadly and she Nods Her head And I open the Gate and Leave towards my Car.

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