Pretty Average Day

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The next class after lunch whizzed by with no surprises, and I was actually feeling pretty confident until I got to my last class of the day. PE, which I happened to share with my brother, Dylan. *sigh* First I walked to the locker room and was assigned a lock and a locker and I found it quickly. I filled my stuff in and began to change. Mrs. Peters class was supposed to meet out on the basketball court so when I was dressed in my frumpy large clothes I headed out. When I saw my friend Caterina out on the courts I ran over to her, ecstatic! 

"HEY!" she waved calling me over. ""So glad you're in this class!" she said when I got closer.

"Ohmigosh, I'm so glad I know someone! I thought I was gonna be all alone!" I squealed. 

"All alone? What about me?" I heard a malicious voice ask behind me. 

I groaned. "You're in this class?" I asked, slightly backing away.

He smirked, "Nah, you wish. I'm just in this period." My teacher walked over to our court and he backed away with a salute. "Hey, don't forget we have plans for later." he said with a mean smile. Knowing he was referencing his revenge for me, I winced a little and turned around. I heard him laughing as he walked away.  

Our teacher introduced herself and we basically talked for the whole class period. Finally class ended and I changed back into my regular clothes. To meet Blake and the boys, I was supposed to walk back to the front of the school so I found my way to the flagpole through the swarms of people. I saw the car pull up so I ran over, falling into step with the boys. I called out "SHOTGUN!" and raced ahead. Just as I was sitting down, Nick smiled, reopened the door, and said "Nope, get in the back." 

I remembered our deal so I grumbled, grabbed my stuff and got in the back. Blake drove off with us in the back, and I sat smushed in the corner of the car by the door. The boys had noticed my switch to the back and commented.

"What was all that about, Kota?" Blake asked, turning to me briefly.  

"Nothin-"I started.  Nick cut me off. "Nothing, I'm just her favorite brother." he said, smirking. 

Talen laughing said "No, really, what happened?" 

"Nothing." I said, blushing and turning to the door. They gave up and we finally got home. Blake pressed a button to open the door and I fell out, being jammed against it. The boys all laughed and stepped over me as I struggled to pick up my stuff. Once I finally gathered all my stuff, Dylan shoved me over, and I had to struggle to get everything together again. I walked inside grumbling.  Since it was the first day of school and we had no homework, I came downstairs in my pajamas and went to the TV. Dylan and Blake were already sitting there so I sat next to them, slightly at Dylan's side. 

"Noooooo. I dont wanna watch this." I complained, seeing the basketball game on. Basketball was my least favorite sport to watch. 

"Then don't." Dylan said, shoving me to the floor, off the couch. 

"Jerk!" I said, trying to get up. 

"No, stay there. I need a foot rest." he said, chuckling. He dug his feet into my back as I was on my hands and knees.  

Blake laughed looking down to me. 

"HEY! Stop! Person here!" I said, struggling. 

They laughed and Dylan stabbed harder until I let out a groan and gave up. "This is only the beginning of your revenge." he said. 

Then, I heard clumping down the stairs and heard a light laugh. "Whatcha doing down there, Kota?" Nick said. 

"Oh, I just thought it was way more comfortable down here." I said, sarcastically. 

He smiled and sat down on the couch too. Putting his feet up on me.

I groaned louder in pain and was forced to stay there for the rest of the game. Every time I tried to make a break for it, Dylan just grabbed my shirt and pulled me back. 

When it ended, Dylan and Nick lifted their feet off and Blake lifted me up. 

He set me on two feet and patted my head. "Good girl." he said. I shoved his hand off me and walked to my room. 

"When did she get to be such a brat?" I heard someone say laughing. 

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