Soccer Game

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The aroma of Blake's pancakes and Emma prepping our  dinner wafted over me and I smiled.

Suddenly, Blake called out "Pancakes are done." That's when the race began. 

The rule in my family was first to the table got first pick of the best pancakes and the others that followed got the next best ones. Blake wasn't perfect, so there were always a few burnt or undercooked pancakes in the batch.  We all hopped up from the couch and sprinted over. I was in the lead until Dylan shoved me out of his way and lead the group. Then Eric put his full palm on my face and pushed me back with a laugh. Talen followed him, smiled apologetically, and then slipped around me.  Lastly, Nick followed him and grabbed my arm, yanking me behind him. I spun in a half circle and then fell flat on my butt. The boys sat in the table in the other room and Blake looked over through the doorway.  He chuckled at me and then passed the pancakes to the boys, who devoured them immediately. I got up, rubbing my butt with one hand.

"You okay?" Emma asked as I sat down. 

"Did you fall on your butt?" Eric said, laughing, through a giant mouthful of pancake and syrup. 

"No. I just... bruised my... hip." I said. He just laughed more. 

I looked at the plate to see a giant white, still sticky blob that I believe was supposed to be a pancake shaped like a stocking. I pushed that aside and underneath saw a blackened pancake that felt way harder than any nice, fluffy pancake should be. I grimaced and pulled it out, setting it on my plate. I had to use a knife to break off a chunk, which I swallowed angrily. 

The boys all laughed and Dylan said "Thats what you get for being so slow, Kota."

I smirked a little and said "Well... I was fast enough to beat you in a race." 

The whole table laughed and Talen said "Ohhhhhh! Burn!" 

I finished my pancake smiling larger and larger until I had to bite my lip to keep my smile from bursting. 

Dylan glared at me and said "One time!" 

I answered cheerfully "If you win the Olympics once, it still makes you a gold medalist." 

He kicked me under the table. Blake set out another plate and I quickly grabbed a good pancake off the top and ate it. 

As everyone finished and went back to sit by the couch, I had an idea. 

"OMG GUYS! Why don't we go play a soccer game outside?" It was a perfect idea. Normally, nobody would ever play with me, but since it was Christmas, there was a chance.  

Everyone looked around at each other. 

Emma popped a tray in the oven and said "Well, we do have time." as she set the oven timer.

Dylan and Talen, who both had played on a real team said "Yeah!" and "I'm in"

 Blake and Eric agreed and then even Nick reluctantly said "Alright."  

I squealed and ran upstairs to grab my neon green soccer ball. To be fair, I didn't put on my fancy cleats but I did switch to soccer shorts and regular converse. 

After I got downstairs i ran out to the front, with 4 orange cones, which I set up in the street. We lived on a street that was never busy and rarely had a car pass by so I wasn't really worried. I then ran back inside and dragged everyone out. I may have been a little over excited. 

We all stood in a circle and Blake said "Ok. I guess we should choose teams. I'll be a team captain. Anyone else wanna be one?" 

Dylan said "I will." and he went to stand by Blake. '

Then they started choosing players for their teams. Blake said "You can choose first." and Dylan began sizing people up. Then he looked at me, nodded, and said "Kota." 

My mouth dropped open and I smiled hugely. I walked over to stand behind him. My mouth was still open when I walked over to him so he lightly smacked the back of my head and said "Stop." I dropped the smile but copied his crossed arms behind him to show team solidarity. 

Blake chose Eric next and then Dylan looked to me to choose the next person. He turned to discuss and then saw my crossed arms copying him so he smacked my head again. I dropped them but smiled. "Choose Talen." I whispered to him immediately, he looked over at the remaining three and then hesitantly nodded at Talen.  He walked over and high-fived me and our team was unbeatable. The last two people were Nick and Emma so Blake chose Nick and Emma pouted. Dylan offered her to Blake to even out the teams more since we all played soccer and he accepted. 

"How come I'm the last chosen and nobody even wants me?" she demanded. 

Eric said "No offense, sis, but you're as fast as a snail and suck at sports." She glared at him but walked over to their team anyways while I shot her an apologetic glance. Then Blake grabbed the ball from the lawn and we walked over to our team huddles. 

Talen and Dylan and I circled up and then Dylan started speaking. "Okay, Talen, you're goalie, like always." Talen was an amazing goalie so this wasn't a surprise. Then Dylan nominated himself as defense and me as forward. He and I both normally played forward so I was glad he let me go. 

I walked to the center of our makeshift field and was standing a few feet from Emma and Nick who were playing forward. Blake was goalie and Eric was defense. I looked up at them and got ready to play. Blake put two fingers in his mouth and whistled to start the game. 

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