Slammed against a window

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The next day I woke up peacefully, listening to the sounds of birds chirping and watching the light stream in past my curtains, like a Disney Princess. I stretched my arms out calmly and then remembered! MY SCRIMMAGE WAS TODAY! I tumbled out of my tangle of sheets to the foot of my bed and grabbed my soccer stuff, double checking it before replacing it into my bag. Lastly, I threw on my jersey and some jeans. Perfect. 

I checked my texts but saw none. Looked like Chris was still coming for me! And Dylan. 

I grabbed my backpack and hooked my soccer bag over my shoulder, then walked to my brothers rooms. Blake was asleep, and snoring rather loudly. Talen and Nick were already gone, and had either walked or gotten a ride. Lastly, I knocked on Dylan's closed door. No answer.

I cracked it open a little and peeked in. The lump on the bed was frozen and shifted only to show breathing. His alarm clock appeared to be unplugged by accident. And he was fast asleep...

Now, I definitely could be a good sister. Wake him up, make him breakfast, make sure he gets a ride with Chris and I....

Or, I could be myself. And isn't that what people always recommend? 

With the reassuring image of Dylan missing the bus later and not getting to go with us to the school for soccer, I smiled and quietly crept downstairs. 

After toasting a waffle and eating it, I slipped out my front door and down my driveway to wait for Chris. His beautiful car turned down onto my road in no time. I hopped in the front seat next to him, cautiously looking over my shoulder at my house, but it appeared Dylan was still sleeping. 

I gave Chris a kiss on the cheek and smiled, growing more and more happy as we drove closer to school and away from my house. A conversation started until abruptly Chris cut it off. 

"Wait! Where's Dylan?" Chris questioned when we were almost halfway there.

"Oh! He was... getting a ride to school with Taylor today!" I lied. Chris didn't doubt me luckily and nodded. 

"More time for just us." he said with a smirk. 

I smacked his arm but said "Yeah, later I'm leaving school early for soccer so it's good we'll have some time!"

"Oh yeah, about that! What would you think about.... me coming to watch you?" Chris offered kindly. 

"You'd miss school!" I said, worried.

"So will you." he reminded me.

 "But it's ditching for you!" I said. I know, I know. I just wasn't all that rebellious. 

"Actually, it's for you." he added with a sexy smile. With one hand on the wheel, he ran the other through his thick hair and said "Unless you don't want me to...?" 

I smiled back. "Of course I want you to! I'd love you to be there." 

He looked at me and said "Good." as we pulled into a parking spot. 

He held my soccer bag for me until we got to my first class, and then we split. My first few classes were uninteresting and I spent much of my time mentally laying out plans for the game and imagining scoring a goal instead of focusing.

Finally, it was lunch time! Reilly, Sam, and I were full of nerves and excitement and couldn't help talk about it. We were worried that Penelope would be bored, but she actually seemed really happy for us. The bell rang too soon and we left, smiling that we'd see each other again soon. I anxiously watched the clock for a half hour while impatiently tapping my pencil on my desk until I heard the announcement over the loudspeaker calling the girls soccer team to the locker rooms, and then the front of the school. 

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