A Promise

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I sat in my bed, and checked the clock again. For the hundredth time in the past minute. 

1:38 AM

I looked away, and then back one more time, with hope.

1:38 AM


I decide to get up and quietly get ready, that'll kill some time! Throwing on some black skinny jeans, a tank top, black beanie, and my favorite hoodie from Chris takes approximately 4 minutes. Did I do something to make the universe hate me this badly???

I refreshed my makeup a little and brushed my teeth extra well, spending time on the front ones for smiling and the tongue for... who knows why... Lastly, I threw on some lipgloss and smiled at my reflection. Kinda had an edgy skater chick vibe, but still somewhat girly and pretty. I hope. 

I look at the clock again.

1:45 AM

It was a start. I pulled my phone out of the charger and decided to wait downstairs. So far tonight, it was a pleasant surprise that I wasn't feeling that tired, and didn't feel like passing out from exhaustion. I wasn't even sleepy! Probably the thrill of sneaking out combined with the butterflies that swarmed my stomach the second I thought about seeing Chris, driving with Chris, kissing Chris... 


I snapped out of it as my phone received a particularly loud vibrating text and I checked it immediately. Nobody could be texting me at this hour but him. 

C: Hey babe, I'm outside. Sorry I'm early... :)

I gasped a little in excitement and ran downstairs, probably way louder than I should have been. My first time sneaking out to be with Chris. Alone with Chris! I looked up at my brothers shut bedroom doors and had to contain a laugh. If those overprotective losers could see me now.... 

I mean, if they could see me I have no doubt I'd be dead immediately but it would be funny at first!

I went straight out the front door because I had no other ideas and it was my first time. I'd be back before anyone noticed and could lock it again anyways. The cool air hit me as I stepped outside but the hoodie wrapped around me kept me cozy and warm. I saw Chris's pickup and smiled, picking up speed. 

He unlocked the door and I hopped in beside him on the seat. He smiled evilly at me and said "Hey. How do you like sneaking out so far?"

I looked back at the house as we flew off and said "Why did I never do this before?" with a huge breathless laugh. My relief that Dylan wouldn't race out of the house and see us grew exponentially as we drove off.

I smiled at my boyfriend and said "So where are you planning on taking us?"

He turned to me and placed a hand on my thigh as he drove, warming me. "Special place I know of. You'll like it." he added with a wink. 

"I trust you." I murmured, brushing my hair out of my face. 

He smiled bigger at that, revealing a little white pointed tooth and then he drove on. We winded down the road, away from my house, the block, and then eventually what felt like the whole world. 

Finally, we turned down a dirt road and crunched off the path to a random spot in the middle of nowhere.

"We're here!" Chris announced, cheerfully. 

"Where exactly IS here?" I asked with a small laugh at his absurdity. 

"My favorite place in the world!" he said, mocking being offended. "Come on!" He walked around to my side of the car and opened my door, helping me out and to the back of his truck. 

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