Digging Up Dirt

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Talen and I walked into Dylan's dark room and frowned. Man, his room was huge, but so sloppy. I mean, tbh, my room was always messy too, but somehow Dylan's mess seemed worse. 

 As we walked in, I lit up with happiness. I saw his phone(!) sitting there, just lying in the middle of his bed. Talen noticed too and we both jumped onto the bed eagerly and grabbed it. I slid it to unlock and first noticed that his passcode was a word, not a number.

I groaned and dropped it. 

"Whats wrong?" Talen asked, noticing the word passcode. 

"We'll never figure it out! There are a thousand words that he might use."

"Oh come on! You know Dylan better than anyone! Just guess!" he said. 

I almost protested at his comment but then realized, I guess it was true. I mean, Dylan and I always liked soccer together and although we fought a lot, no one could match me in sarcasm like he could. We also had a ton of classes together and used to wrestle and play a lot as little kids. Huh.

"Okay, I'll try." I said, picking up the phone again.

"Hmmm.... what about...

Pizza, Girls, soccer." I tried them all and it locked me out for a minute. Okay those were long shots Ill admit. Hmm... It would probably be something his friends didn't know so that they couldn't get onto his phone. Maybe?

When it reopened I tried his birthday, Blake, Nick, Talen, Dakota, then Kota.

It locked me out for another minute. When it reopened, I tried it again. I thought deeply and suddenly it hit me. I knew what it was. 

I plugged it in and the phone unlocked. I sighed in relief and began snooping. "What was it?" Talen asked, curiously. 

"It was... Baby." I admitted, blushing when he laughed. 

We began poking over all his texts and twitter and instagram until Talen said he saw something. He told me to scroll back. 

I  scrolled up and saw in his recent messages a text to Taylor... But it couldn't be the Taylor. That would be crazy. I looked at the most recent text and saw it said...

"Happy three month anniversary babe!" with a bunch of emojis. I scrolled through their conversation and saw it was her. Definitely. 

I thought back to the summer camp my bros and I had gone to almost every summer. When I met Taylor, I had been almost 11 and she had been a counselor turning 17 at that point. Dylan had just started working there and still worked there to this day. I even remembered being introduced to her by Dylan. 

Flashback: ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~  ~ ~

Nick, Talen, and I hopped out of the car and saw them. It had been totally boring this summer without our fearless leaders. Blake, also a coach at that time, waved us over to Dylan and him. He hugged Nick and Talen and I ran straight to Dylan.

"Kota! You're finally here!" Dylan said, giving me a noogie, as my parents dropped us off at the camp so they could go meet some clients for the summer, while we camped.  

I tried to shove his hand off me, but he just switched it to an arm resting on my head. "Yep!" I said, while I squealed excitedly. "You and I are spending all summer together!" I said to Dylan in a serious tone.

"Damn, Kota, don't be so clingy." He teased, ruffling my hair.

"Stop!" I pouted, fixing it. 

Then, we all reunited and I couldn't wait for the amazing summer I was going to have. I thought nothing could stop me from getting the most perfect vacation of my lifetime. 

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