The Terminator Scares me

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I sunk deep into the cold water. I stayed down as long as I could, surprisingly, trying to lose the embarrassed blush off of my face. 

I finally surfaced when I ran out of air.  I floated in the water and gasped like a goldfish. Suddenly I felt a hand dig into a handful of my shirt and lift me up. I felt it pull higher and I let out a somewhat girly scream at the coldness. Dylan pulled me out of the water, set me down, and said "Now we're even." 

I stood shivering as all of my brothers laughed. Blake was now in tears and was still rolling on the ground literally. My clothes stuck to me and I shook some more until I summoned the courage to move.  I began to strut back inside until Dylan stopped me with his hand. Still laughing, he offered me the towel he had hit me with earlier. I pushed his hand away and kept walking, up to my room, dripping all through the house, and then to my shower. After I showered under the nice hot water, I changed to comfy dry clothes and spent most of my day in my room. 

Around noon, I became starving so I walked downstairs, ready to glare at any and everyone. When I got downstairs, I saw my brothers, all but Dylan, sitting on the couch. I went into the kitchen and heard Blake call out "How ya doin Kota?" I gritted my teeth and called out the first thing that came to mind "Don't call me that!" I heard more laughing. "Don't worry, Dylan left for work." Talen said as he entered the kitchen. 

"Hey Kota, make me a sandwich." Nick called out. I grrrred and made him another BLT, (all the boys favorite) included to the same one I was making myself. I walked out into the room and handed Nick his sandwich. Then I sat next to them on the couch as Talen came in and sat next to me. 

 "Hey, how do I get one of those?" Blake asked, pointing to Nick's sandwich. 

"You make your own." I said snarkily. 

"Hey," Blake said, pointing his hands up in defense, "I didn't push you into the pool." His shoulders shook with silent laughter. I growled and he stretched back out. Once I finished my food, I stood up and Blake said I had to come back downstairs by 7:30 to get some dinner. I agreed and went back to my cave/room. 

At 7:30 I trudged back down the stairs. The boys  were playing a board game in the dining room by now so I watched until I heard someone crash through the door. "Pizza's here!" Dylan called out, walking into the room. 

He set it down in the center of the table and opened it up. "Half cheese and half pineapple." He said, now looking directly at me. "Your favorite." He half smiled and raised an eyebrow. Huh. He wanted forgiveness. Too bad it's not that easy. I looked away, huffed, took a slice and angrily ate it. 

"Sooo........" Blake began, awkwardly. "Let's get this out of the way." he began, always having to be the parent. That might've helped earlier.

"Dylan.... what you did today was wrong, even if it was hilarious" he admitted. 

I opened my mouth to protest and Blake said "Oh, Come on! You looked like a drowned cat." Talen and Nick chuckled and my face betrayed me with a very, very small smile at the image. 

"But Dylan, it was seriously not cool. If you're having a problem with Kota, come to me and we can work it out. I might even let you do a worse punishment," he added winking "but it needs to be cleared by me." 

Dylan nodded, turned to me, and said "I'm sorry, Baby." to apologize and mock me. I straightened up, ready to complain about the nickname until he continued honestly. "I was pissed but I guess I went too far. Do you forgive me?" he asked.

I shrugged my shoulders and finished eating my pizza. 

"Well, it's movie night tonight, remember?" Nick said, always the actor/director type. "Wanna watch something cool?" 

"Let's each pick one, then vote." Blake said. 

"Matrix." Nick said.

"Jaws." Talen said.

"Die Hard!" Blake said.

"Pulp Fiction!" Dylan said, until the glaring and overt looking at me from my brothers changed his mind. "Fine, if she can't handle it then... Terminator!" 

They looked at me and I said "She's the Man." They all groaned and ignored my chick flick idea. As always. 

 "Let's vote then guys. One choice each and not your own!" said Blake. 

Nick voted terminator. Talen voted Terminator. Blake voted Terminator. I voted Jaws for Talen, to be nice. Then, Dylan smiled at me slightly and voted for She's the Man. It still lost, easily, but I slightly smiled at him in appreciation.

Suddenly, Dylan lifted me from my chair and cradled me like a baby to take into the living room. My other brothers laughed, cleaned everything up, then followed. I sat stiffly in his arms complaining with every step. Dylan set me down next to him in the corner of the couch and Nick sat on the far other side. Blake sat down in the middle and Talen sat by Dylan's feet. They started the Terminator and I sat through about half. Although it seems stupid, the Terminator guy always scared me and how he talked freaked me out. I stayed trying not to cringe for a while, but eventually tried to just look at the TV frame. But, after my very boring and peaceful day, besides the one glaring exception, I felt tired. I started to get drowsy but I attempted to stay awake. 

Problem with me, see, is that when I get tired, I get honest. Not honest like, if you ask me a question I will answer nicely, but honest like being shot full of extra strength truth serum. I will tell my entire life story and share all of my feelings. For older brothers who try to stomp them out of me, they seem very eager to find them out. I also tend to forget most of what happens while I'm in this weird trance. 

I pressed my eyelids up, trying to keep myself awake. I feel myself being drained further and further and after a while, just gave in. Everything I see is then through a happy haze. I suddenly feel the urge to lie on my side so I set a pillow on Dylan's lap and lie down with my feet up on Blake. I curl up into Dylan's side and hug him. "Dylan. Dylan. Dylan." I sigh. "Yes?" he asks, grinning, realizing whats happening. "My face hurts." I say with a small frown, touching my face where the towel whipped it earlier. "I'm sorry, baby." he said looking genuinely regretful. "I love when you call me that." I say smiling. "Baby?" he asks, while I nod about 4,000 times. "You say that you hate it all the time. Why do you like it?" he asks smiling more. "I don't hate it!" I protest, "I like it cuz I love you and you'll protect me and stuff." I say snuggling closer, while I hear unimportant snickering all around me.  "Of course." he says, as he rubs my back. "So you're not still mad at me for earlier?" he asks. "No! Not at all!" I yell. It seemed imperative that I say that. He starts to ask me something but I fade out and can't hear anything. The last thing I vaguely remember asking was "Is it alright if I sleep in your bed with you tonight?" Dylan has a king sized bed because he borrows our parents room every night. And hey! What can I say? The terminator seriously scares me. 

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