I'b really sick

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I woke up Sunday morning and almost cried. I could not handle this. And if you don't believe me, you need to know more about my brothers.

One time, they ditched me in one of those freaky halloween hall of mirrors thing and held the door shut.. with me inside.

Another time, while I was at a soccer, playing forward, they tried to kick balls at me from the boys field across the way. While I was playing an actual game.

And, their personal favorite time, one time at a community pool when I was younger, my swimsuit fell off while I was swimming and they grabbed it before I could. They then got out of the water and told me they wouldn't give it back until I said they were the best at everything, the most handsome, etc., etc.

I am still traumatized, and those were only a few examples.

In a last ditch effort to save myself from tonight, I tried to look and act sick. I put a blowdryer to my head to resemble a fever, licked my palms for fake sweat, and put a ton of crumpled tissues in a bag near me.

I fake stumbled downstairs to go talk to Blake. On the way to him, I walked past Nick. I nodded weakly and he said "Oh My gosh, I feel so bad for you!"

"Because I'm sick." I acknowledged, nodding.

"No, because once Blake and Dylan see that you're lying to them again, they're gonna kill you." he said, laughing and walking upstairs.

Although Nick could see through it, I don't think my other idiot brothers could. I mean, Nick was an actor, so that probably made him better at seeing through disguises. I hope. 

I shuffled along into the other room, and grabbed a blanket to wrap around myself before I walked into the room with Dylan and Blake in it. 

"Hey, guys. I think Ib sick." I said, I said in a fake, stuffy voice. 

Dylan came over to me then and scooped me up in his arms. He knows that I like to be cared for when I'm sick, so I fought the urge to complain. He brought me to the couch, over to Blake. Now, with Blake as a parent, you'd think that life would be easier than with a real parent, and sometimes it is. I mean, he's normally very relaxed, but he keeps everyone in line,  and somehow still manages to keep everyone close to him, and happy. But the thing is, he hates lying. When we were younger and we lied, he would spank us, or yell at us, or put us in a timeout, or do something worse. He was the most chill guy, but always said that when we lied, it felt like we didn't respect him as the parental type guy. So I could not let him find out.

Blake pulled me onto his lap and touched a hand to my forehead. 

"Aww, you're burning up" he said. "And all sweaty." Dylan added, rubbing my back. 

YES! Everything was going according to plan. 

"Now, Kota, this couldn't have anything to do with the fact that we have a guest coming over later right?" Blake asked, with the tiniest most small hint of a smile, that I wasn't even positive was one. 

"Of course not, Ib just really sick." I said, my hands playing with the blanket. 

"So then we better cancel the dinner plans with Luke then, huh?" Dylan added.

"I mean, " I said, "If you think that's best then..." I trailed off. 

They both looked at me and nodded, silent for a minute. 

Then, they both simultaneously busted out laughing and practically crying tears.

"Oh my god!" Dylan said.

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