So Sorry

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The rest of the week passed and I just felt worse and worse. Every time I looked or talked to Dylan he would just give me a blank stare back. He ignored me completely and I hated it. Everyone in the family noticed but when anyone asked, Dylan just said it was between us. That just made me feel worse. 

Everyday I tried something new from trying to trip him playfully (he stepped over my foot) to actually jumping onto him(he just set me down and walked away).

Finally on Thursday night, I couldn't take it anymore. We were all sitting on the couch, watching some stupid documentary Nick chose, when I stood up and turned to Dylan. I opened my eyes wide, grabbed his hand, and dragged him upstairs. He had a confused expression on his face, but he followed me. I towed him along all the way to his room, and sat cross legged on his bed. He sat on the other side and stretched his legs out, but crossed his arms, not speaking. He turned to me with a stony expression. I looked at his face and begin. 

"Okay, look Dylan," I rush out, "I...I'm really sorry about what I did! I just thought of you and Taylor together, and I was upset!, I don't know, I wanted you to be with, like, the family, not her. And I know it was wrong and all. So I'm sorry. And I'll do anything to fix it, anything to make you not be mad at me anymore. Just, please, forgive me, or punish me for it, and just let it be done, please." I said, looking up into his eyes. 

He leaned back, pressed his head against the headboard, and let out a deep breath. Then he looked at me. "Okay." he said. 

"Okay?" I asked, hopefully. 

"Okay... Alright, I will forgive you, if you do a few things." he said.

"Anything!" I said, gratefully. 

"Okay, first of all, I want you to talk to Taylor, and tell her what you did exactly." I nodded with a grimace, thinking of the awkwardness. 

"Second, I want you to apologize to her." I nodded again, that was obvious.

"Lastly, I want you to stop dating Luke." he said, staring me straight in the eyes.

"NO!" I yelled out. 

He laughed, and said "Just kidding, figured that wouldn't work." with a smirk, putting his arms behind his head. I rolled my eyes and punched him in the arm. He laughed again and said "Were you actually trying to hurt me just now?"

I stuck out my tongue at him again and we walked back downstairs. I was upset at what I had to do, but grateful that Dylan was back to teasing me and being playful. As we got downstairs, before we got to the TV room, I hugged Dylan. He looked down at me, raising his eyebrows, and gave me a side hug back slightly. Then he grabbed my head and pushed me forward and we walked into the room together. As we sat back down, Blake noticed that we were better so smiled at me. I gave him a huge smile back. 

The next day, I woke up and knew my mission. Before school, I texted Taylor and told her where to meet me. At about 7:45, I met her in a hallway. She came up to me with a small frowning look of confusion on her face. It remained there until we had completed our conversation. I told  her everything, about how it was our cousin, how I wanted to break them up, and how I didn't like how much time she spent with Dylan cause he wasn't with us. I finished everything and slowly raised my eyes to meet hers. 

Suddenly, she let out a huge laugh. 

"Oh my god, that is hilarious! And it was just your cousin!" she said, laughing. 

"Hehe, yeah, I suppose so." I chuckled, awkwardly. 

"No, seriously," she said, choking on laughs, "that is so funny."She grabbed my hand, and said "Kota, I think of you as a little sister. And this is just like a little joke. So don't worry about it! No harm done!"

"Okay, but I'm just really sorry." I said.

"No hard feelings at all." she said, smiling. "And by the way, Dylan and I are back together. So it's all alright now." 

I nodded gratefully to her for her forgiveness, and hugged her. She looked shocked but hugged me back.

I was being to think that maybe Taylor wasn't the jerky snob I had believed her to be. 

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