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Dakota's POV:

"What did you guy do???" I demanded, standing up.

Eric cracked his knuckles and answered "We found out what happened and made sure it won't again." 

I shoved my face into my hands. Oh god no. He must be mostly black and blue. 

"I should go talk to him." I sighed, walking to the front door. 

Blake pulled me back onto the couch next to him.

"No Kota, here's what you will do. You'll both mellow out over the rest of today and then in the morning I'll take you over and you can talk it out. But give it time." he said. 

"Okay." I agreed, looking away. 

"Now, why don't we just have some dinner and relax a little?"

Everyone nodded and grabbed a chair. Blake added "Oh! And Kota you're still getting punished for everything later." I sighed and Eric rubbed my head as he sat down next to me. "I hate you all." I said, frowning. 

Emma began searching the cabinets for food. "We're all out of dinner foods." she said.

"Cereal it is!" Blake answered pulling some boxes out of the cupboard. We each grabbed a bowl and sat at the table. Aubrey sat with us and we happily talked and enjoyed ourselves until it was about 10. Then Blake told us to go upstairs since we were all really tired from the party. I hugged Aubrey goodbye and then practically crawled up the stairs, and passed out in my bed. 

At about 9 AM, Blake woke me up. 

"Ready to go over to Luke's?" he asked. 

I got out of bed, got dressed, and got into the car. Blake gave me a pep talk on the way and soon we were there. I got out of the car and walked up to the door, straightening my shirt out. I rung the doorbell once and stepped back. 

Luke's mom opened the door and smiled at me brightly. Obviously Luke hadn't told her anything. 

"Hi, sweetheart!" she said. "How are you?" 

"Um.. Good." I answered. "But can I talk to Luke for a minute?" 

"Sure thing! Let me call him for you." she stepped back and turned away "Lukey!!" she yelled up the stairs. 

I saw Luke walk down the steps with a slight limp and walk over to me, surprised. His mom left us to talk. 

"Dakota! What are you doing here?" I noticed he was lightly bruised on his eye and chin, although his tan skin almost covered it. 

I took a deep breath and spoke. 

"I came to apologize to you, Luke. I'm-" he interrupted me. 

"Dakota, no, stop!"

He stepped outside with me and shut the door.

"You don't need to apologize. I'm so sorry. You know how my family is, and how they want me to be, I just wanted to be a little wild but I know that's no excuse. And, you're the most beautiful girl ever so..." he trailed off. 

I blushed. "Well, thank you. I'm still sorry about my cousin and Talen though."

He chuckled and said "No. I actually deserved it. But... I promise! It will never happen again! Ever!"

"And we can go however slow or fast you want. I won't complain at all. Our relationship is great the way it is! So... will you... still be my girlfriend?"

I nodded and hugged him. "Yes, Luke." 

I heard a honk from the car. "I guess I have to go." I said, backing up.

He smiled and waved. "Text me." 

I nodded and ran back to the car, sitting in the front seat. 

"Did it all work out?" Blake asked, wiggling his eyebrows he added "Looked like it."

I smacked his arm. "Shut up, we only hugged. But it did work out."

"Good." Blake said, not prying. 

I smiled gratefully at him and we drove home. 

Maybe now I could actually enjoy the holiday season.

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Hey guys, sorry for the short chapter but I had to patch things up with Luke and Dakota. Enjoy:)

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