The good ol' days

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I woke up the next morning and saw the clock said 9:00 AM. Shoot! I was late for school! I bolted up and then almost fell back down I was so dizzy. I began to stand up and then suddenly moaned in pain when my hand began to throb. Oh, right. I remembered everything that happened last night. I stood up and looked down to notice I was wearing Blake's huge over sized ACDC shirt and some short pajama shorts of mine. Huh, I didn't remember changing. I stumbled downstairs, trying not to grab the banister with my hand and almost fell over again. 

I waddled down the rest of the stairs in pain until I smelled the delicious scent of pancakes. I practically floated into the kitchen where I saw Dylan cooking, with a pink apron tied around his waist. 

"Nice look for you." I said. He turned around smiling. "Good, you're finally up. And too bad, I was just about to pull you outside and spray you with the hose." he teased. I stuck out my tongue at him.  

"You hungry?" he asked, sliding a giant plate of pancakes at me. My mouth watered and I began devouring them right there off the counter. He laughed and just let me. 

After eating, we wandered into the living room, and he let me pick out a movie for us to watch. He set up a pillow fort for us like the good ol days and we hopped in and prepared to watch She's the Man. And, Dylan watched the whole movie without complaining once. Then he let me choose another and we watched all of Hairspray. "Huh." I remarked, afterwards. "Am I dying or something? Cuz you're being the nicest to me that you have been in years..." 

"No, you're not dying." he said, rolling his eyes. "I just feel bad that my perfect six pack broke your puny knuckle." he said, patting his stomach. He added, "I mean, without even trying to fight you I win." 

"I'd like to see you beat me a second time." I threatened while he laughed. 

"Any time. Any place. I could beat you with one hand tied behind my back." he said, smirking.

"Any time, eh?" I asked, while he smiled smugly. "How about... NOW?" I asked sneak-jumping onto his shoulders. In one second he had pulled me around in front of him and was holding me down with just one arm across my shoulders, pinning me. "Too. easy." he said.  After a second, I winced feeling my knuckle throb and he pulled his arm back. I hopped up. "Ok, I'd like to see you do it a third time." I mumbled. 

He said "Man, you're like a little baby kitten, thinking she can wrestle a tiger."

I answered "Well if I'm a kitten then I'm a blood thirsty, powerful one, and you're just a tiger wearing a pink apron." He rolled his eyes and said, "Whatever, Kota. What do you want to do now?" 

I thought and thought for a couple minutes and then said "I know! We'll have a picnic on the trampoline!" Not wanting to argue with poor, injured me, he began making some food and after it was all created we went out and sat on the trampoline. We began eating some watermelon slices and talked for about an hour about school and past stories. Soon we were finished so cleaned up, but hopped back on the trampoline to just bounce.  I said "So, how did you like Luke?"

"He was fine." he answered, jumping 10 feet higher than me. "Not good enough for you though." 

"Why not?" I asked. Luke was perfect. 

"Welllll, no one is good enough for you." he answered. 

I stopped bouncing and looked at him. "Awwww, Dylan, that was the nicest thing you ever said to me." He bounced super close to me so I flew up then fell back onto the trampoline in a tangled mess. He laughed and said "Don't let it go to your head." After a little more time on the trampoline, discussing our favorite soccer team, (Barcelona), we heard Talen, Nick, and Blake come home. They all ran outside immediately to check on me. "I'm alright too, thanks for asking you guys." Dylan said, fake putting. 

After a little, Blake was scared I would get hurt more, so asked everyone to come inside. I raced over and beat Dylan to the exit of the trampoline, smirking at him. He then said "Look a hummingbird!" and as I turned, did a sweeping kick, knocked me down, and hopped over me. Talen and Nick checked that I was okay while Dylan laughed. But although I pretended to be mad, I kinda liked that he wasn't treating me like a baby. And I actually had had a fun day. For dinner, we all ate leftover steak and then before bed I got more painkillers. We sat on the couch eating while I became dizzier and dizzier until I stumbled up to bed. I fell asleep, listening to the crickets chirping outside, and dreamed that Luke, and I were flying together, holding hands, high above the city. 

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