Not. Fair.

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"What are we going to do with you Dakota?" Blake asked. I actually wished he had called me by a nickname so I would know he was joking around. "Dakota, we woke up today, and guess what Talen noticed?"

"You weren't home! First, we noticed Dylan was gone so we thought you'd be with him... then we remembered that he has work today. Lastly, we see you come home in a van. With a guy, who we don't even know. So... You clearly need a punishment. Go up to your room right now and I'll talk to you about this later. Don't you dare come out until I call you." he said. I walked upstairs with my head down, Blake was madder than I have ever seen him. Blake hates when I lie so I knew the punishment would be bad. 

I changed and then sat on my bed until I heard him a few minutes later. 

He called me and I stomped downstairs. I wasn't gonna make him feel good about this stupid punishment thing, whatever it was. I honestly did very little wrong. They wouldn't have let me go even if I asked and was nice and everything.  

I reached the bottom and saw all of the boys standing there. Apparently, the area where Dylan worked was closed for today, so he came home too, oh joy. They all had their arms crossed and were glaring. I couldn't contain a laugh so I giggled lightly and they glared more. 

Blake started. "I've decided on your punishment." 

I frowned.

"I don't even deserve punishment but whatever! What is it?" I asked. None of my punishments had ever been bad, basically because I've never done anything bad since I was super young and ruined the kitchen by painting it all light blue and pink. Even then, my punishment was only to help towel off the worst of it with all my brothers. But I mean, my brothers all punished me individually before, but never officially, and altogether like this. 

"You. Are. Grounded." said Blake. My mouth opened in shock. 

"WHAT?" I asked. 

"For three weeks!" he finished. 

"No WAY, that isn't fair at all!" I yelled. 

"Ummm, Kota? You so do deserve this." said Nick. 

"Definitely!" added Talen. 

"I refuse!" I said, grabbing my coat and walking to the door. "I am leaving!" I opened the door and lifted my foot until suddenly the door was ripped away and slammed shut. Dylan stood against it menacingly. "Do you even know what grounded means?" he snarled. 

"Yes! I believe it means that you guys are idiots and can't control me?" I asked, smirking. 

"SO wrong!" Blake yelled. He grabbed me and I grimaced; I forgot how strong he was. Talen could pin me easily, Nick could hold me down for hours, Dylan could grab me even if I squirmed, but Blake? Blake could hold me in an iron tight grip that there was no way I could get out of unless he wanted me to. He took me to my room, dropped me in my bed, and left. He shut the door tight and locked it from the outside. I pounded against the door with all my might, but it was no use. I sunk to the floor yelling and heard the boys talking downstairs. I waited for almost an hour but they still didn't let me out. Since I assumed it was around noon by now, I decided to not wait for them. I crept to the window and popped it open, laughing at how easily the hinge broke. I hopped out onto the ledge and looked onto our backyard trampoline, it was only like 10 feet down? 8? Less? I could probably make it. Right? Gotta  try, I can't stay in here all day, suffering for something I didn't do wrong. 

I shuffled lower onto the ledge and prepared myself.

On the count of three...





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