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It was the last day of the week before the weekend and I was ready. School ended and I was walking over to the area Lily always went after school. Shockingly, it was the area where all of my Football playing friends and their girlfriends hung out (*Note the sarcasm*). I strutted over confidently at first, then ended up pulling on my sweatshirt self consciously. It had seemed to be cute and matched well earlier but now I was worried about it being overly nice. I was trying to look tough-ish. But as my brothers constantly reminded me, that was pretty much impossible for that to happen. 

I looked around when I get closer and saw the gorgeous beach waved hair that meant she was nearby. God, did she have a makeup artist and hair stylist do her up each morning?? Okay actually, she was pretty rich, it was possible... That train of thought reminded me of this Instagram video I saw of a girl doing her hair and it accidentally burning off....that would be great if Lily had to deal with that! I let out a laugh as I searched the crowd and suddenly a jock spun towards me. I looked up, putting up a hand to frame my eyes from the sun and saw none other than the main loser, Derek. 

I turned to keep walking towards Lily but he stopped me with one of his beefy arms. He grabbed my shoulder and said "Where are you going, shorty?"

"None of your business, Derek." I said with an internal groan. I hate this guy.

"Maybe not mine, but definitely your brothers. Would you like me to go get Dylan for you?" he offered, with a wicked smile. He knew I wouldn't want to see him. 

"Just stay away." I said, trying to pull away and managing to only stumble and talk a half step. 

"Maybe I don't want to." Derek said rudely, taking a step with me. 

"Hey, Derek. Did you know that statistically, tall people die sooner than short people?" I said, light in my eyes. 

"So?" he asked, with a confused chuckle.

"So I have that to look forward too." I said with a cheery fake smile. 

He leaned down to my height and said with a fake pout, "At least I can get on all the big roller coasters, kid." A few of his loser friends who were watching laughed, before facing away. I blushed a little and Derek let out a laugh too and then brushed back his black hair from his face, clearly in love with himself. 

I rolled my eyes angrily and he must've gotten bored of me because he pulled his hand away and turned to his friends again. I looked around and saw Lily in pretty much the same place so I tried to walk towards her again and build up my confidence. At first it was hard but then I pictured her  pressed against my boyfriend and suddenly I found new motivation.

I stormed over just as her other friend left perfectly, and I grabbed her by the shoulder even tho she was taller and wearing heels. (Who wears heels to high school?) She turned to me and the second she saw me her eyes drooped and she began to examine her cuticles. 

"What do you want?" she asked in a disinterested voice. 

"Its not about what I want. Its about what you want, and can't have." I said, getting closer to her and attempting to look threatening. 

"Are you talking about Christopher?" she asked with a slight smirk on her glossed lips. 

"Yes, I'm talking about my boyfriend, Chris." I emphasized. 

She smiled meanly and said "Maybe for now."

I took a small breath to calm myself and mockingly "Look, Lily."  I practically sneered at her name. "You may think that you can get Chris, but he's mine."

"No he's not. You're a kid for gods sake. This 'relationship'," she said "might last a few weeks, tops." she added with a laugh. 

"You don't know anything about him or me, so don't act like you do." I said, although I admit the thought/age difference thing had bothered me before.  

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