Not the best Morning

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I woke up the next morning and decided to get ready for school, like always. There was some pale light coming in from the window to my left but despite the burn in my eyes it was hard for me to even consider getting up. I rolled around a little, pulling my blanket closer to myself. It was just so warm!

Suddenly, I tugged the blanket a little more and it caught on something, effectively rolling me out of it and into the cool air. I let out a hiss and turned to see what had happened. Oh, it caught on a someone, not a something

Wait... Dylan? What was I doing in his room? 

He woke up, probably from having felt the tug and turned to me. He cracked a smile and in his rapsy voice said "Morning." 

I nodded once in his direction, suspiciously. I guess he had taken me up last night? I was really tired, I probably fell asleep during the movie. But then why wouldn't he just place me in my bed? My face must've reflected some of the confusion I felt because he laughed and said "Yeah, you did it again."

"Did wha-" I began until it hit me. "DAMN IT, AGAIN?" I asked as it hit me. But I didn't remember a single thing!! SO unfair!

"Ughhhhh, did I say anything bad?" I asked after an entire minute of moaning. 

"Depends on what you think of as 'bad'." he said, getting out of his bed and smirking as he went towards his closet. 

"Shit." I said. It must've been terrible. He was being too arrogant, even for him. 

"Do not curse." he said glaring towards me. 

I let out a laugh and meanly said "I'm gonna keep cursing, Dyl." 

He glared more and I couldn't stop my heart from racing a little, but I merely glared back. 

After a second his face cracked into a huge smile. I was not expecting that... 

"Aww, you scared Kota?" he asked. What the heck??? How could he tell that? It was only a little heartbeat flutter and he was many feet away! 

"Never." I growled. 

"Oh, you're never scared of me?" he asked while crossing his huge arms and walking till he was a foot away from me. A smile danced across his lips.

"No." I managed to say in an unwavering voice, as I crossed my arms too and copied.

He stared angrily and asked again "Really?" 

The fluttery feeling in my stomach came back but I just looked him in the eye and said "Mhmmm."

He laughed and leaned down next to me, whispering in my ear. My muscles tightened and he said "I know you're lying."

I was scared, no denying it. So I did what any mature adult would do. I shoved my arms forward and pushed him away then ran out of his room. 

I ran down to the kitchen and he laughed behind me, and followed.

"No! Stay away!" I yelled, pouting. 

"Awww what's wrong, cutie?" he teased me, as I went into the living room, him still following me. 

"YOU!" I yelled. I saw Blake sitting on the couch so I ran towards him and jumped onto his lap. I wrapped my arms around his neck and jumped behind him like a shield. 

"BLAKE PROTECT ME!" I screamed into his ear. 

He yelled and said "DAKOTA! You just broke my ear drum!" 

I tightened my grip as Dylan strutted closer. 

"Nooooo, Blake help me!" I said.

Blake rolled his eyes and said "Handle your own issues." but regardless, he stayed in front of me. 

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