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The next morning, I was rudely shaken awake by Blake. I stretched out my arms and suddenly flipped off of my bed. Looking up, I realized that I had still been asleep on the couch. 

Before I could speak, Blake said "Dakota. Go upstairs and lace up your hiking boots. We're going camping!"

"What?" I asked, struggling to stand upstairs. 

Blake pulled me up and while I was still off balance, shoved me to the stairs. I managed to stay upright but said "Wait! Why?"

"I just got a call from the school saying Monday you guys all get a student free day! And we used to camp all the time! So come on, let's go for the weekend!" he said excitedly. He loved camping every since we did it with our parents years ago. I, on the other hand, had always hated it as a kid but it was clear that he wanted to go pretty badly. 

I trudged upstairs and ran into the boys, who were all running around, preparing too. I went into my room, found my old camping clothes, which were pretty dusty by now, and changed. When I finished, Dylan came in and threw my old backpack and sleeping bag into the room. He said "I packed for us so just bring the stuff downstairs and we'll go."

I said "Thanks!" and picked up my heavy stuff. Although I struggled to hold it on my back, I managed to keep myself standing and I walked downstairs. The others were already getting into the car so I followed suit. The back of the car was open and Blake chucked all of our stuff in. We had so much that it covered the entire trunk and had spilled over onto one of the seats. 

"Dang it!" I yelled. Blake said "Calm down! So you have to sit with someone, big deal!" 

I puffed my lip out and he said "Don't pout, just go." I looked into the car and and around. Nick said "No, loser." Talen said "I could try?" But I knew it would be too hard for him for a few hours to hold me. I turned to Dylan who said "No." Blake said "Come on, you guys! Be nice! And Dakota, get in now." 

He slid into the front seat and I groaned and got in on Dylan's lap. He was probably the only one who could hold me for the whole time without crying out in pain.  Dylan said "Ugh! I don't want you to be bothering me the whole time!" 

I groaned and said "Blake! Why can't we just get a bigger car?" 

He said "I've told you before, our parents paid off this car already and we can't afford another. So this one is perfect."

I grumbled and crossed my arms, turning to the side. "I hate camping." I said. 

I pulled out my phone to text Chris and my friends when suddenly it was snatched from me. I looked up to see that Blake had taken it and shoved it into a pocket on his backpack. 

"Hey!" I said, as he kept driving. He responded with "Everyone, give me your phones.  No phones this weekend. And there won't be reception anyways." 

Talen said "No!"

Nick said "What? No."

Dylan said "Blake!"

Blake answered all of them with a stern "Give them to me now."

Everyone passed their phones up reluctantly and I said "Noooo."

Dylan rubbed my back and said "Aww, what's wrong, Baby? Can't text Chris now?"

I looked away from him and said "Stop, idiot."

We started planning our sleeping arrangements and it worked out that Talen, Nick, and I got a tent together and Dylan and Blake would.

We also planned to stay tonight and then go home tomorrow in the evening-ish. We also had a full day today since Blake woke us all up at 6:00 in the morning. 

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