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The next few weeks passed very relaxed, and everything went back to normal. Dylan and the others went back to treating me like their idiot sister, like normal. Whatever, I kinda expected that. 

Then, one friday after school, I heard some equally awesome and terrible news. 

I was walking in the door when Blake announced that our cousins would be coming over tonight, and would be staying nearby for a little while until our Winter break. We had two cousins, who often came by, when their dad was going out of town on business. Emma and Eric were twins, 18 years old, and had dark brown hair. I loved Emma because she was super nice to me and had a way of calming my brothers. They had never even hurt her once! Eric, on the other hand, was Emma's opposite despite them being twins. He was rude, mean, loud, and loved to tease me, basically best friends with my brothers. 

At about 7 at night, we heard the doorbell and I sprinted downstairs eagerly. The door opened and I leapt into Emmas arms immediately. She almost dropped me but struggled and managed to pick me up.

"Hey Kota!" she said, hugging me, then cradling me inside. She was the only one I let treat me like a little kid because I knew she wouldn't make fun of me for it. She carried me to the living room and flipped me off her arms onto the couch then sat on me, jokingly. 

"Hey!"  I protested, trying to shove her off. She just laughed and then hopped up, pulling me up too. Then she went and hugged all of my brothers, all of whom just hugged her and said hi. No punching or pushing or joking, just a hug. Not fair. 

Suddenly I heard someone say "Look Emma, I couldn't find your bag in the car so you're gonna have to live without it." Eric walked in frowning, looked at me, and smiled. "Baby Kota!" he yelled, running over to me. "Aww, you haven't gotten any taller!" He said as he grabbed me around the neck and put me in headlock. But it wasn't a playful little hold, it was a full blown, no breathing headlock. I struggled for air as he pulled me closer laughing. Just as I was turning blue, he reminded me of the Tap Out rule. I tapped his arm using my last ounce of strength and he let me go. I fell to the floor on my knees gasping for breath. 

"Kota, if you don't wanna suffocate, you gotta tap out faster." Dylan said, chuckling and taking Eric's side.  Emma grabbed my head, pulled me up, and said "Or Eric could just not be a dick." He laughed and brushed it off. We sat relaxing for a little while until the boys decided they wanted to swim. 

"Wait, Kota can swim, right?" Eric asked, sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and walked upstairs to change. Emma followed, to borrow my room, and we searched for our swimsuits. Emma found a gorgeous bikini and put it on, then told me she brought an extra. 

"You know, Kota, if you want to borrow a swimsuit, you could use this old one of mine?" she offered, holding up a gorgeous two piece swimsuit. Because of my idiot brothers, whenever I bought a swimsuit, it ended up being something huge, ugly, and in boring colors. This was waaaay better! 

I squealed, thanked her, and tried it on. Luckily, it fit practically perfectly. I grabbed my bag of swim stuff and Emma grabbed my hand as we walked downstairs. We walked outside and set our stuff down by the pool. Suddenly, a huge hand grabbed my shoulder and spun me around. I regained my balance and looked into the now angry eyes of Blake, Nick, and Talen. 

"What are you wearing?" they demanded. 

Emma stepped in front of me and said "Hey, you guys! Stop it! It's just an old swimsuit of mine I let her borrow, and she looks great in it. And it's only us here so don't worry so much!" They glared for a minute until they finally gruffly accepted that and relaxed more, then cannonballing into the pool. I hugged her gratefully. 

"You saved me!" I said. 

"Oh, don't worry,  I just wish I could be around to save you all the time. But hey, it's lucky I only had to fight three boys! Where was Dylan?" 

Huh. Interesting question. I looked over and saw Dylan on his phone, texting someone, and sitting in a lounge chair. I went over and sat on his legs to bother him. Without even glancing up at me, he shoved me to the ground and pulled his legs back. I rubbed my butt and stood up. 

"Hey." I said, leaning down in front of his phone. He shoved my head away, finished the text and then looked up.  "What do you want?" he asked. "Well," I said, "I'm about to jump off the high dive. Wanna watch?" I said. "No, thanks." he said, looking back to his phone. "Man, what's so interesting?" I asked, grabbing his phone out of his hands and looking at it. "Nothing!" he said, trying to grab it back, but not before I saw it. "Taylor?" I yelled. "You're texting Taylor?"

"Whats the big deal?" he asked. "She is my girlfriend." 

"Nothing." I said sarcastically. "What ever. This is camp all over again." I said, walking away. The worst part of it was, Dylan didn't even follow me, he just rolled his eyes and continued texting. I stood by the pool fuming. Suddenly, I felt giant arms pick me up. 

"Not in the mood, Eric." I said, as he lifted me up. "Didn't ask." he said, as he chucked me into the pool. I fell in and glared up at him from the edge of the pool. He just used his foot to shove me in again. I swam to the other side of the pool and hopped out, sitting in a chair. I wrapped a towel around me and covertly looked over at Dylan.  He was sitting, talking with Emma. They started laughing and he wrapped his arm around her. Wow, wouldn't talk to me, but for Emma, no problem. I wasn't actually surprised though, she had a calming effect on everyone. 

I looked down at my phone and saw my camera had accidentally turned on and was aimed at my face. I flipped it around quickly. Then I noticed it was at the perfect angle to get a picture of Emma and Dylan sitting together. Suddenly a thought hit me! I mean, I did have Taylor's number... and she wouldn't need to know they were cousins... If I just sent a picture to her, maybe she would leave Dylan alone!  And that would help Dylan, and he wouldn't be all miserable and stuff with her. 

I made up my mind, pointed my camera, and took the picture. Then I sent it to Taylor, with the caption "Thought you should know...". 

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Hey guys, thanks for following my story! Just wanted to say please vote on it or comment or message me more if you have ideas for it! Also, I'm going to be making some changes on the old chapters so you might want to recheck those over soon, if you're confused. Thanks again! Oh and above is a picture of Emma!

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