She's Back

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We walked into the room, and surrounded her bed. She had a white bandage on the top of her head that ruffled her blonde hair up in a halo around her.

Her eyes were shut, and I knew that I would do just about anything to see the blue green color sparkle with her happiness or burn with her anger right about now.

Even though we sat as close as possible to her, none of us touched her. Our breathing was near silent, as if afraid we would shatter the moment, or break her. 

I decided to make the first move. The beeping of her heart monitor was a good sign, and we'd be able to see if talking helped. 

"Dakota? Sweetheart, can you hear me?" I said, brushing a loose strand of hair off of her long eyelashes.

She didn't move.

The boys took my initiative.

Talen grabbed her hand and held it in his fist, saying "Kota it's Talen. It's time to come back now."

Nick pet her shoulder in smooth strokes and said "It's okay. It's alright now, we're here."

Dylan couldn't speak, but instead swallowed tears, and pressed a kiss to her forehead. 

Chris said "How are you, princess?" 

No reply. 

But then... I joked aloud "She never was one to listen to us." 

Talen gave a watery chuckle and the others did too, as I straightened up and said

"Dakota. Kendall. Hastings. You are in big trouble if you don't wake up right this second young lady." I gave my deepest voice and we all smiled anxiously, but nothing happened. 


Beep. Beep. Beepbeepbeep.

"Is she okay?" Nick asked, scared. The fast beeping continued. 

"What's wrong!" Dylan demanded loudly, finally able to speak. "Baby, can you hear me!"

Her eyes fluttered dramatically and she whimpered. 

"I'm here!" Chris said, grabbing her hand and crushing it to his lips.

"I... I mmm.." she said, her face turning side to side. 

"Dakota, it's us. It's time to wake up now!" I said. 

The beeping slowed back down to a regular pace and we all stared at her, with bated breath.

Suddenly, her tired eyes popped open and she said "Boys..? That you?"

I turned up to face Dylan with shock and Talen cheered loudly, bouncing up and down and then leaping exuberantly on Nicks back. Dylan and Chris gave a massive bro hug then turned to her with nothing but adoration. 

I leaned down so she could see my eyes and her small hand came up to grab the side of my face. 

"It's Blake babe, how're you doing? Anything hurt? Everything hurt? Tell me what you need me to do." I said, perhaps a tad over-dramatically. 

She put a finger over my lip and said "Blakey. Hush." 

I ignored the stupid name and rolled my eyes. "On it." I said through her finger. 

I went to go get the doctor and gather all the stuff from the waiting room. I made the boys come with me so Chris could have a moment with her alone. 

The doctor was busy with another patient so the nurse went to check up on Dakota while I called everyone with the good news and the guys gathered all the stuff. 

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