Dinner Party

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I groaned in defeat. 

"Fine. I'll invite him to it." I mumbled. 

"Good". Blake said. "Were free tomorrow." 

"Fine, I'll go text him" I said, walking up to my room. 

Dylan grabbed my jacket hood and dragged me back. 

"Funny thing is, I don't believe you. I think you should call him. Right here, Right now baby."

My other brothers nodded and Talen grabbed my phone, set it to Luke's contact and handed it back. 

I sighed, held it to my face, and hit call. 

The phone rang three times and then he answered. Shoot, I was hoping for voicemail.

L: Oh! Hi. Dakota? Whats up? 

D: Well, my brothers wanted to know if you'd like to come over to our house for dinner tomorrow. 

"Please say no please say no please say no" I thought. 

L: Okay, my parents say yes, what time should I meet you?

D: I'll text you the details, alright?

L: Ok, see you then!

D: Great!

I put down the phone and frowned. 

"Sorry guys, guess he can't go." I told my brothers as I turned to them. Id text him later and say there was an accident or something. 

"Oh really?" Blake asked with one eyebrow raised. 

I nodded and pushed my tongue against my cheek. 

"Ha! You're lying." he said. "I can always tell, remember?"

"No! I swear I'm not!" I said. 

My brothers looked at me pityingly. Then Blake said "Alright, if you're not lying then you won't mind me calling him on your phone to ask?" with a smile. 

I frowned and rolled my eyes, admitting defeat. Dylan and Blake laughed, while Nick grabbed my phone to check that I called and Talen patted my back in excitement for tomorrow. 

"I hate you all." I said, to which they all laughed more. 

"We're just so happy we get to meet our brother in law!" Nick said. 

"Shut up!" I replied. 

"HUH!" Dylan gasped excitedly, "AND we can show him baby pictures! I mean, all your pictures are baby pictures," he said, nodding condescendingly to me, "but I mean the really young ones!"

"Nooooo, please please no." I begged. 

"I like it when you beg Kota, you should try it more often." said Dylan.

I rolled my eyes again.

Finally they let me go upstairs so I plopped face down on my bed and sighed. What had I gotten myself into?

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HEY Guys! Sorry for the short story! But, Thanks for reading all (or some) of my stories! Just wanted to say, please vote or follow me! Also, feel free to send me an idea in the comments of something you want me to add into a story! Thanks again! :)

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