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The rest of the day passed in a blur. And I mean a real blur, I saw only flashes of stuff. Alcohol and I were not friends. And it didn't even taste good!! It was somewhat exciting doing rebellious stuff though. That is the teenager in me speaking I suppose.

The next day when I woke up my throat felt dry. Well, that's an understatement. My tongue felt like a piece of sandpaper laying in the sun and my throat burned like Death valley in the summer heat. I clutched my neck and sat up, suddenly feeling a swooping. Light shot in through the curtain, telling me it was way later than normal. As I sat up to look closer at where it was coming from, I grabbed my stomach. It was feeling nauseous.

I hate, hate, hate you alcohol.

As the blinding light faded from my vision I recognized that I was downstairs, lying down on the couch. And I wasn't alone. Blake and Dylan sat beside me, sitting upright but fast asleep, and heavily snoring. I decide to have a small private joke so I took a deep breath and then in my loudest voice shot out a high pitched scream.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" The sound even hurt MY ears.

They jumped up alert and yelling and Dylan even held up his hands in a boxing way, ready to fight.

I started laughing and clutching my still nauseous stomach, but now happily.

They glared immediately.

"Not funny." Dylan said with an intimidating glare.

"That was so stupid. I don't just mean right now." Blake said, prepping to go into a lecture.
I sat through it occasionally nodding and saying "mmmhmm" but for the most part I just looked at the carpet and pictured how my future children would look.

At one point he got mad and said "Look at me when I'm speaking to you Dakota!"

I rolled my eyes so he grabbed my chin and pointed it his direction.

"Okay okay! It won't happen again!" I said loudly. "Wasn't even that fun." I mumbled to myself. Pretty sure I had thrown up at least once yesterday anyways...

Blake nodded and left to get me another water bottle, I had already inhaled the first one he left next to me. Dylan looked down at me kind of sadly.

"That was not good of you." He said awkwardly.

"Save it, I was already lectured in case you hadn't noticed." I said dryly.

He sat beside me and said "How come you didn't even invite me or anything..."

I turned to him surprised. "You would wanna hang out with us???"

"Well.... no. But I mean you got pretty fucked up. It would've been funny to be there for that. Or I could've stopped you. Or helped. Or given you tips. Or-"

I cut him off. "Awww Dylan I didn't know you'd wanna be there! It was a spur of the moment thing, I didn't even think of it." He was being kinda sweet in a really weird way.

"Suuuuuuure, you just didn't want me there!" He said rolling his eyes.

"No I would've if you wanted to!!" I said honestly.

He chuckled and said "really?"

I nodded a hundred times until he said "Ok cool. Next time then." He looked at me with a scary look so I said "yes."

I tried on the smirk he usually wore and said "Now you can give me hangover tips so there's that!"

He laughed and got up. Before leaving he called over his shoulder "Actually I think that's best learned from experience."

I pouted. And endured for the whole rest of the day.

That night Blake had an idea. "We are all going out for a fancy dinner." He announced. Taken who was sitting by my feet said "yay!" And Nick said "huh? Why?"

Because of our lack of monetary resources always and our lack of putting effort into stuff we rarely went out to eat. But today he decided would be the time we did. And we were going somewhere fancy!

"I invited Aubrey, and you can bring Taylor." He nodded to Dylan. He began texting rapidly and I said "What about Chris??"

He gave me a look and said "I wouldn't push your luck Kota, remember we could just leave you at home."

I shut up immediately.

Minutes later, I got dressed in a cute black skirt, brown boots, red tank top shirt and matching brown belt. I felt stylish. To add to my look I threw on some makeup and then raced out the door just as Blake was threatening to leave. In the car, we all fit(lucky since I was wearing a skirt) and we drove over to this fancy Italian place. Dylan and Nick complained about me wearing makeup and the height of the skirt but I ignored them. I was gonna have fun and look GOOD.

Out front of the restaurant, Blake put our name in while we waited for Aubrey and Taylor. They showed up in minutes, looking a thousand times prettier than me, and we all went inside. After a couple minutes wait, and me poking the boys to annoy them, they called out Hastings. We scurried to the front excitedly, but followed Blakes lead of looking casual. The lady said "Any kids menus?"

I scoffed, and Dylan patted my head. "One for this little cutie." He said with a smirk. I shoved his hand away before he could mess up my hair and said "No. we don't need any."

Apparently it was too pouty because she grabbed one and said "Alright well I'll just bring one just in case sweetheart." Grrrrr.

When we got to the table I was placed between Taylor and Aubrey luckily! Until Dylan switched with his girlfriend so he could be next to me.

"Ew get away!" I said.

He smirked and said "I dunno what if you need help cutting up your big girl food or something?"

One more time. Grrrrrrrr.

I ordered the very much adult Mac and Cheese off the adult menu and tried to ignore the snickers from around the table.

When it arrived we dug in, forgetting about manners. The food was gone in minutes and Blake paid the bill. I loved sitting around the table and talking with someone, but it also made me kinda sad. It felt like we were missing a piece of our family without everyone who had grown close to us there. We left the restaurant and went home, I was so exhausted I fell asleep instantly.

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Hey y'all! I finally have my laptop back and I got into my top choice college so no more worries about that!!  I know this update is short and meh but there's more coming soon! I'm back:)

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