Talk Through It

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"You are in so much trouble." Dylan said evilly. He let out a small chuckle under his breath. 

Deja Vu. 

Huh, this whole sneaking out thing might have become a tradition. 

"Where were you?" Blake demanded in a low voice, standing up to his full huge height and walking over to me.
I looked down at my obvious nice clothes and looked around. Pretty sure he already guessed what happened, so I honestly said "On a date."
Blake looked as if that was obvious and said "Check your phone."
I slowly pulled my phone out of my back pocket and turned it on hesitantly. Then I scrolled through hundreds of texts from all of my brothers and 43 missed calls.
I chuckled nervously as I put it away and Blake said "This is not a laughing matter Dakota! You lied to all of us, went on a date without telling us, and didn't even contact us or check your phone!" He yelled, looking down at me from his impressive height.
I stood up as much as I could and said "Well maybe if you gave me more responsibilit-"
"Stop right now." He cut me off. "Do not blame us for anything. You will be punished Dakota. You know what you did was wrong, don't you?" He glared at me angrily and the Dylan, who was behind him, fumed too.
I looked to the side but he grabbed my chin and pointed my face directly up and towards him, where he looked expectantly. To avoid more trouble I said "Yes."
Blake started speaking again until suddenly, Talen stepped up and moved in front of me. 

"She didn't do anything wrong!" he said, jumping to my defense. Blake looked outraged and Talen said  "What I mean to say is, it's nothing that the rest of us haven't done! Dylan's snuck out more times than I can count, I never answer my phone, and Nicks been sneaking out to meet Reilly for weeks. You never punish us!" 

I looked over at Nick and he smiled uncomfortably. 

Blake looked incredulous and sarcastically said "Oh, well I'm sorry to all of you! Did you want to be punished?"

Nick and Dylan began shooting daggers through their eyes at Talen. He looked back and said "I'm sorry you guys, but it's not fair. So Dakota shouldn't be punished, or we all should be." 

He stood tall, staring at Blake in front of me and I grabbed his arm to squeeze it gratefully. Blake looked back sternly for a minute until he saw us unwaveringly staring back. He thought for a solid few minutes and didn't move until suddenly Nick stepped forward. 

"I agree with Talen and Kota!" Nick said fiercely, standing beside us. "She shouldn't have turned off her phone or left without permission but... come on, there's no way you would've said Yes if she just asked you!" he said. 

Blake looked angrily on, and then calmed himself down and deflated like a balloon. He leaned down a little and said "Ok, Ok. You guys are right. I would've said no... and that might not have been fair. Dakota?" 

I nodded and peeked out from behind Nick and Talen. 

"Get out here." he said with the tiniest hint of a smile. 

I slipped out from between them and he said "I'm sorry. You know what you did was wrong, but you still don't exactly deserve to be punished." I smiled and said "Thank you, and I'm sorry for what I did! Really! It won't happen again!" He nodded and said "It better not."

Then, Dylan stepped out from behind him and said "WAIT! Kota went out without any permission and tricked all of us and didn't check her phone and was with a BOY and you're not punishing her?" 

"Don't be so dramatic." I said with a small smirk. I just love pissing off Dylan. 

Blake said "Dylan, don't start anything. What happened, happened, but Dakota learned from it and it won't happen again. So don't worry." 

Somehow, it looked as though that wouldn't be happening. He pushed his blonde hair off of his face and cursed. Blake said "Let's just forget about it for now." I was so grateful that he had just had a date with Aubrey because she always mellowed him out. He walked into the living room and I turned to my saviors. "Thank you, you guys." I said, as Talen and Nick walked into the other room. They nodded and left just as Dylan walked up to me. 

He got right up to my face and leaned down until we were practically nose to nose. Then he said "Who were you out with tonight, Kota?" 

I broke eye contact and he leaned threateningly closer to me. 

"You weren't out with Chris, my best friend, now were you?" he said through clenched teeth. I swallowed slowly and said "Nope." 

"No?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. 

I nodded once and he hissed "Dakota. Kendall. Hastings. I can always tell when you're lying so just tell me the truth. Were you, or were you not on a date with my best friend?" 

I thought about how much harder this would be for Chris to say so I finally said "Ok Dylan. Yes, I was out with Chris."

He looked furious and said "Too bad your sweet, big brothers can't protect you from this." Then, he lunged at me. I dodged immediately and, panicking, said "What are you doing?" But without bothering to respond he simply attacked again. I swiftly slid to the side and that's when the chase began. (I'll say it again, Deja Vu). 

I sprinted away from him immediately and into the living room, where we wrapped around the surprised others and then circled back. I raced into the kitchen not even bothering to look behind me to see Dylan sprinting his hardest as well. Unfortunately, although I might be faster than many of the people at my school, I didn't know anyone that could beat Dylan for long. The smoke shooting out of his ears seemed to be helping push him along. He stumbled on the coffee table so I took a chance and grabbed the door knob, fiddling, attempting to get it open. Just as it clicked and I swung it back, however, I felt a giant hand grab my collar. It pulled me back and grabbed me with one arm, throwing me onto the carpet. Dylan had me in one arm and just before he could hurt me, Blake was on top of him, holding him down. 

"What happened?" he asked, looking shocked and pinning him down. 

I crab crawled away from the beast and said "This maniac was angry because he found out I went out  with Chris."

"You went out with Chris?"  Blake asked with wide eyes, leaning back and falling off of Dylan. 

"Ye-" I said, suddenly shrieking as Dylan lunged again from off of the ground. Talen tried to defend me but Dylan pushed him off and grabbed me. His hand covered my mouth and I bit it, causing him to get stopped again by Blake, who leapt up and slammed him down. "Dylan, stop! We're trying to give Dakota more freedom, remember? And we know Chris, and he's a good guy. So calm down."

He nodded slowly, still seething, and nodded. 

The others left the room and Blake watched to make sure Dylan was following and wasn't going to kill me. 

He followed behind reluctantly but said "I will get you back, Baby." Then he and I walked into the room and finished the rest of our Friday awkwardly. After I brushed my teeth and took a shower, I posted a picture of the skyline with Chris in it that I had taken tonight. He was looking out directly at me with a smirk and it was clear that he could care less about the stars. I smiled just looking at it. A few minutes later, I got an anonymous text.

It said "Give up on Chris. You don't deserve him.

Wow. I didn't know that Dylan knew how to do that. Huh, well whatever. Forget him. 

I sat in my bed and relaxed after a little while. I eventually got drowsy enough to forget all about the text and the last part of my day. And although it was hard to picture anything but my brothers all fighting tonight, I could still vaguely smell Chris's cologne and taste his soft lips on mine. 

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Hi, everyone! I'm finally back from my amazing vacation and all the nice comments encouraged me to update, so, done! Enjoy^ And feel free to comment or message me with ideas because I'm running a little low! Thanks for everything and 11.5K! YAY! I'll update again soon

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