Mario Kart

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The rest of the week passed by terrifyingly slow, until it finally got to Friday. My classes passed by uneventfully until Biology, as usual. After I got to my seat in the room, as my teacher began his lecture, I passed a note to Chris. He held it up to me with a smirk. 

"Note passing? Nice."  he mouthed with a smile. 

I rolled my eyes and pointed to it. "Read it!" I mouthed back. He looked down and began reading.

It read "Chris, Dylan told me to tell you that he wants you to text him ASAP." 

He scribbled something and then slid the note across the table the table to me. He managed to do this while keeping his eyes on the teacher and fake taking notes.

I looked at the note and it said "Already did. But thanks"

I fit more writing onto the small scrap paper then passed it back. 

He read my writing, saying "What did he ask you?"

He passed it back and I read "He wants me to sleep over at ur house tonight so  we can go... do something."

"Do what?" I wrote down on the back of the note. 

"Can't say." he wrote back. 

I simply answered "Y?"

"Dylan told me not to." he wrote, passing back a new scrap of paper. 

The bell suddenly rang. I picked up my bag and notebook, which I had written exactly one bullet point in. 

We walked over to the flag pole like always. 

"So, what are you guys doing tonight or tomorrow??" I asked curiously.

"Nothing you need to know about." He said with a superior smile, holding his head up.

"Come on!" I begged, pulling on his arm, not shifting it even an inch. I could feel the muscles in his arm so I randomly let go.

He smirked down at me and then shook his head to push back his brown hair. I had a brief urge to run my hand through it but I refrained for obvious reasons. 

We crossed the rest of the school till we saw my bros and then Blake picked us up, since he had no school today. 

As the car pulled up and stopped, Reilly called me over to her from by the school lockers. She told me of plans for a party at her house in a few months and I agreed to eagerly await her text invitation. 

Blake honked angrily at me and as I turned, I noticed he was parked in a fire lane. I speed walked back to the car and opened up the shotgun position side door, then paused. Chris was sitting there. And Dylan, Talen, and Nick were in the back. 

"Hop in now, Dakota!" Blake yelled as cars behind him honked too. He saw my hesitation and said "God, Dakota, it's just Chris, he doesn't mind! Right Chris?" Chris nodded with a minuscule smirk. I threw my backpack in the back and awkwardly got in, sitting gently on Chris's lap. I sat sideways, facing Blake and the back seat. Unfortunately, this gave Dylan a full view of my probably dark red blushing face. 

Dylan laughed and said "You okay, Kota?"

"No. This is awkward." I mumbled. When everyone in the car laughed I realized that it might've been louder than I meant it to be.

"Don't feel awkward." Chris said, wrapping his arms around me. 

I sat stiffly until he pulled them away and said "Calm down, I was just kidding."

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