School again

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I woke up to hear my alarm blaring my favorite song on my phone. I hit snooze and rolled over. I heard it blast again and I did the same thing.  After one more time of this it finally went silent and I curled up under my warm blanket, content.

"LEAVING IN 5!" I heard outside my bedroom. I rolled towards the window.

I woke up to a loud yell in my room. "KOTA WE'RE LEAVING!" Nick yelled beside me. 

"Huh?" I mumbled, opening my eyes. 

"We have to go now!" he said. I nodded vaguely and heard him leave the room. 

I looked at the clock before drifting again. 

6:42. That was a fun time. 




OMG NO IT'S 6:42!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I realized that I only had 5 minutes max to get ready. I jumped up, threw on some jeans, converse, and a T-shirt, and grabbed my backpack and a brush. On the way downstairs I pulled my hair up into a messy ponytail and then ran into to the kitchen. I looked around for food but saw nothing anywhere in the pantry. 

All of a sudden I felt a sharp pain on the side of my head. I looked on the ground and saw an apple rolling across the floor. I picked it up and followed my eyes up to see Dylan smiling.

"Thought you looked hungry." Dylan said with a smile. 

He walked out of the room at the same time as me and then slammed me into the doorway. "What's your problem?" I demanded, shoving through and struggling to maintain balance as we walked to the front door.

"I'm boooored." He complained as we walked out the front door behind me.

"Why do you look like a mess today?" he added, checking out my old jeans and T-shirt. 

I ignored him and got into the car, in the front seat, which surprisingly wasn't taken. 

Blake warned us not to be so late again and drove off. 

"Where do we get our schedules?" I asked, nervously. The boys had warned me we got a new one after break, because it was second semester. 

"Nobody tell her!" Dylan said, laughing. "It'll be funnier this way!" 

"Hey! Shut up." I said, looking at him. "Please tell me!" I said looking at Talen. 

Talen answered "You get your schedule once you walk into school, at the front."

I thanked him and stuck out my tongue at Dylan, who looked at Talen angrily. 

After a few minutes, Blake dropped us off. Then he went home, because his college classes didn't start until 2:00p.m. this semester. Unfortunately, this meant that he would use our car and the rest of us would have to walk home. Fortunately, we got to spend time at home without him. We made a plan to meet at the flag pole after school and then Blake said "So, when you're home alone, Dylan will be in charge." We all nodded and Dylan smiled hugely. I bit my apple slowly. Blake looked at me and said "Seriously, Dakota. He is in charge." I nodded again. 

Blake parked by the curb and Nick and Talen got out but Dylan stayed. 

Blake said "Dakota. I want to hear you say it."

"What?" I said, turning to him confused. 

"I want you to say 'Dylan is in charge of me when you are gone.'"

Dylan let out a small laugh and I said "I don't want to do that!" 

He said "You have to. I have to make sure you'll be safe."

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