Family Vacation

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A week or so passed and all was forgiven, I even got back my computer, phone, and soccer stuff which I thought had been taken for an eternity. Life was back to good.

And then Aubrey made it great. 

We were chilling in my garage, the boys punching punching bags and Talen and the girls sitting on the hood of the car and talking. 

Suddenly, Aubrey sat straight up, spilling her cold Diet Coke onto Taylors bare leg. She let out a scream but it did not even close to match the pitch that Aubrey's was. 

"GUYS!! I FORGOT TO TELL YOU! My uncle works at Disneyland and he got us free tickets so if you all want, we can go soon?!!" she shrieked, clapping her hands together, eyes entirely trained on Blake the entire time.

Talen stood up rubbing his shoulder and yelled "AUBREY, HOW COULD YOU FORGET THAT??" In excitement and slight anger until Blake shot him a glare. 

Nick said "Wait... all of us?"

Aubrey nodded and added "He even has a suite there so if we all squeezed into one room we could stay for two days or something like an entire weekend!!"

I squealed almost as loud as she had and hugged her, she squeezed back and l looked to see the others reactions. Talen was pumping his fist in the air, Nick was grinning hugely, Blake looked like he was calculating in his head, probably the cost of food and gas, Dylan was looking at Taylor like "Wanna get out of here and make out" and Taylor was looking at Dylan like "shut up this is awesome news, focus!". 

I ran over to Blake and grasped my hands together saying "Can we can we?? Can we pleaaaaase pretty pretty please Blake pleaaaaase?"

Dylan ran over beside me and jumped up and down saying "Yeah, can we please can we, Blakey?" He smirked at me and I glared. My glare turned to laughing when Blake punched his head lightly and growled "Don't call me Blakey." 

He considered for a moment longer and then said "Well I don't see why not..."

We all let out a huge cheer and I looked at Aubrey. "Can we go next weekend I wanna go as soon as possible!!!"

Aubrey looked at Blake and said "It's okay with me. Blake?" 

We all took a huge breath in together, hoping for a yes. 

He started slowly nodding his head and before he had even said a word we were all cheering. Talen grabbed Nick and attempted to start a two person congo line while chanting "Disney, Disney, Dis-ney!"

We didn't get to go on many free vacations to the happiest place on Earth, okay?

Blake said "Okay, okay everyone, but don't forget to thank Aubrey!" He looked at her lovingly.

"Thank you, Aubreyyyyy." we all chorused together. 

The week could not go by fast enough. By Friday night, I was all packed up and ready. And had been since Monday night, to be honest. I ran to Dylan's room then, because I forgot I wanted to talk to him.

I knocked on his door and heard him yell "Yeah." I took that as my signal to enter. I walked in and saw him on his bed, backpack open and clothes strewn around it. Working hard or hardly working, Dyl....

"You're not finished packing yet?? Theres not much time!!" I said.

He looked up from his spot on the bed and said "Theres tomorrow morning, chill. My motto is 'The due date is the do date.'"

"Explains your grades." I said, jumping over and sitting beside him.

"What was that, kid?" he asked cocking an eyebrow and looking me straight in the eye harshly.

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