All black everything

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I tried to scream but a hand closed around my mouth and pulled me into my room, shutting the door. I fought back terrified while my arms stayed stuck to my sides by another arm. I wriggled and shook in their grip and then the light flicked on. I looked up to see the blue eyes and stunning face of Chris. 

He said "Shhhh, shhh, Kota calm down. It's just me."

I stepped out of his grip and hissed "Chris, you scared me!"

He said "I know, I'm sorry, I tripped on something in the hall." 

I crossed my arms, noticing I was just in my pajamas. Then I noticed he wasn't. 

I looked at his black T-shirt, black skinny jeans, and matching black beanie. 

I said "What are you doing?" just as Dylan walked into my room, wearing a black hoodie and jeans also. 

"Ugh. Dakota, you're up." Dylan said.

"Yep!" I said with a mean smile. "So are you." I said. 

"Yeah. We have to go." he said.

"Where are you going at 2 A.M?" I asked, checking the clock. 

"We're-" Chris said.

Dylan cut him off and smacked his arm. "We're going out. Why does it matter where?" 

"Well somehow, I don't think Blake would approve of this 'outing' and if you want me lying for you, you better have a good reason." I said.

"Fine." Dylan conceded after a moment. "What do you want?" 

"Hmmm..." I said, considering. "I want to go with you." I said, looking at Chris. 

"No!" Dylan said immediately.

Chris said "Dude. We have to. She can't tell your brother or you'll be killed."

Dylan glared at me and I smiled back. He looked at a watch he was wearing and said "Fine. Change into black and meet downstairs."

I nodded as Dylan left the room. Chris stayed and when I raised an eyebrow he said " I can't find my way in this hall. Don't worry, I'll close my eyes." I rolled my eyes but my mouth couldn't help but smile.  

He turned and I walked over to my closet. I found a black short sleeved shirt and black jeans that I threw on. 

I then turned to Chris and said "You can open your eyes now." 

He was leaning against my wall, facing my direction with a smirk. When I said this his bright blue eyes popped open. He said "Let's go." and he held out his hand as we stepped into my doorway. 

I raised an eyebrow at his hand and he sheepishly said "I can't find my way downstairs without help." 

I nodded and accepted his hand. It was warm and fit with mine perfectly, practically covering it Then I led him out into the hall and down the stairs. I opened the door and we stepped out into the night. We walked over to the car and got into the back seat. Dylan said "Finally." and he began driving. 

"So, what exactly are we doing?" I asked. 

"We're TPing a few houses." Dylan answered with a smirk.

"Cool!" I'd never done that before. "Who's house?" 

"One guy on the football team who did it to Chris's house a little ago. One girl who Taylor wanted to get. And this freshman boy who thinks he's the coolest guy in the world."


We stopped at a beautiful white house with palm trees waving in the breeze and parked right in front. 

"Is this the first house?" I asked, bouncing in my seat.

"No, idiot. This is Taylor's house. We're picking her up."  Dylan said. 

Dylan texted her number and then said "She's coming."

I looked at the house and saw the window on the upper level open up. Then I saw Taylor climb onto the ledge outside and then climb slowly down the pipe next to the roof.  She hopped down in the end and then walked over to our car. 

She got in the front seat and Dylan said "Glad you're here." Then he kissed her on the lips. They stayed kissing for a solid minute until Chris and I said "Hi, Taylor." She broke off with him, laughing and said "Hi, guys. Didn't see ya there." 

"Good job climbing." I said, referencing her skill coming down from her window.

"Thanks." She said, flipping her hair back. "I have strict parents so I've had lots of practice."

I nodded and said "I know what you mean." with a pointed look at Dylan. 

Dylan said "Shut up, Kota." and he started the car. He then began driving. We rode for a solid twenty minutes, and Chris and I chatted while Taylor and Dylan did too. Finally we got to the house. Dylan parked a few houses down from our location and pointed to the house we were going to get, some freshman boys house. He told us the plan and we got ready to go out. Oh, and one more thing. That was when Chris let go of my hand. 

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