Party Time

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At long long long last, it was the day of the party. I woke up early and laid out my outfit and makeup in preparation. I then sat upstairs and tried to do other stuff until it was time for party. I checked the clock, and it said 12:00. 10 hours to go. 

At about 1:00, I went downstairs, ready to face Eric and Dylan after last night. I went downstairs and saw Blake playing a video game with Talen and Dylan. From what it looked like, Blake and Dylan were teaming up to shoot Talen repeatedly and kill his army. I sat on the couch behind them to watch.

As soon as I sat down, I grimaced and sucked a breath in loudly. My stupid bruised shoulder had hit the arm of the couch on the exact most painful spot. 

Dylan turned around for a second and laughed. "Don't be such a baby." He said, winking.

"Shut up." I said, putting my hand down from rubbing my shoulder. 

"Good comeback." he said sarcastically. 

"Better than anything you could think of." I said, until Blake threw a pillow at each of us. 

"Calm down you two." he said with his eyes still glued to the screen. 

I watched them play their game for a while until I got bored. 

"Hey, do I ever get a turn?" I asked, pointing to the TV screen.  

"Nope." All the boys said together. 

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the kitchen. I looked at the clock on the microwave: 1:30. 

I sat for another half hour watching them play their stupid game until I heard the doorbell ring. 

"Kota, go get it." said Dylan.

"No!" I said. I'm not a slave.

 "Kota." Blake said. 

"Fine." I stood up and walked to the door. 

I pulled it open to reveal Taylor, holding a huge, bulging purse. "Hey, thought we could do something fun today before the party. You interested?"

"Sure." I said with a smile. I've got no other plans and time to kill before the party. 

"Can I join in?" asked Emma, coming down the stairs.

"Of course!" Taylor said, walking into the other room to see Dylan. 

Once we got in,  she saw Dylan and immediately walked over, leaned down, and kissed him on the lips. I waited for her to continue moving, but they stay entangled so I continued on into the kitchen and said "Ewwwwww." Emma giggled and followed me in. Eventually, Taylor removed herself from the beast and followed us into the kitchen. 

"So... what are we doing?" I asked. 

Taylor grabbed her purse and flipped it over, dumping out a ton of cookie baking supplies and some packs of cookie dough.

"Oooh fun!" Emma squealed.

"Who for?" I asked.

"For your darling brothers of course." She said, looking over the island at Dylan, Talen, Blake, and now Eric, who had taken Talens controller (Nick was out working on his play). She saw the disgust on my face, at the thought of giving anything to those sicks freaks and she ruffled my hair. "Christmas Spirit, remember?" 

"Christmas isn't for a few weeks." I grumbled, as we started getting the decorating tools out. 

For a couple hours we worked as a team, Emma preparing the dough and setting it on the oven sheet, Taylor popping it in the oven and removing it, and me attempting to decorate all of them. We all worked hard while singing Christmas songs so the cookies that came out were pretty beautiful. When we had packed away a couple of trays and set some out on pretty plates, we walked into the other room. We each held one tray and sat on the couch. The steam practically burned my legs when I set the tray on my lap.

"Come and get em!" Taylor sang out, as the boys turned around from the game.

Then we looked up into the eyes of 4 suddenly feral boys. Talen hopped on Emma's plate as they were closest to him and Dylan hopped onto Taylors, stealing a kiss after each cookie. 

Blake and Eric turned to mine. 

They then pounced, falling onto the treats and jamming as many as they could into their mouth. 

Cookie crumbs flew at me and once the boys had finished all of them, they sat back down. We stood up and looked at our empty trays. 

"Nice cookies girls." Eric said. 

"Why did that sound sexist?" I replied with an eye roll, looking over my shoulder at him. 

He just smiled as we went back into the kitchen.

"I had a lot of fun!" I said to Taylor, as Emma nodded in agreement. 

"No, now the real fun begins. Prepping for the party." she said with a smile. 

Emma looked at me and said "Even if I'm not going to the party, I guarantee I'll make you perfect." 

We all smiled and ran upstairs to my bedroom. 

First, I curled my hair so it hung in nice long ringlets. Then, I looked at the makeup Emma and Taylor had. Shocker that my brothers never bought me any, huh? The girls both offered it to me but I refused, I didn't even know how to use it. 

"Aw, we'll show you Dakota!" Taylor said, finishing the final touches on hers.

Emma grabbed hers from her bag and said "Definitely." 

I basically held still for what felt like hours until finally, they said "Done!" They had done both my face and my shoulder as well, because of the giant bruise there.

I turned to the mirror and smiled. "Perfect." I said, looking at my reflection. 

"Not quite." Emma passed me my dress we picked out from yesterday. It may seem like a little much, but Taylor assured me that at this party all the girls wore fancy dresses. It was like the theme. I threw mine on, did a twirl and smiled. I couldn't wait. 

Then, I sat on my bed while Taylor threw on her dress. When we were finally ready, we grabbed our phones and went downstairs. Emma ran down before us and announced our arrival. 

"WOOOOO!" Dylan called out, as Taylor walked down the stars and strutted over to him. "Thats my girl!" He said, as he wrapped her in a hug. I kept walking down the stairs until I reached the bottom. I saw Dylan, Nick, and Talen all in nice dress shirts and jeans. I smiled and said "Well?" gesturing to my outfit. 

"You look beautiful." Blake said, grabbing my hand. 

"I mean... you're not terrible looking." Eric said with a grin. I smacked his head. He allowed it. 

We all walked out and hopped into the car, while Blake stayed outside. Dylan was driving us all to the party and Blake walked up and leaned over to him when he rolled down the window. 

"Keep her safe and curfew is 1. And no alcohol!" he said, nodding to me. I smiled and nodded back. 

Dylan rolled his eyes and started driving. I checked my phone "Wait guys! Oh my god were late, it's 10:30!" 

They all laughed, and Talen said "Kota, you never go to one of these parties right on time."

"Oh." I said with a frown. "I knew that." I added quickly.

 As we drove up to the house, my eyes grew big. The party had leaked onto the lawn and you could hear the music from a mile away. It seemed like the whole house was shaking. I couldn't wait. 

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The pic above is Dakotas dress.

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