Henry and Bella

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Chris's POV:

I parked my pickup in my garage and stashed my keys in my pockets. I slammed my door shut and walked inside quickly, I had spent too much time at the hospital again. They were left alone with our dad and I knew that he wasn't watching them closely enough, like always. For all I knew, he was already off to work and had left them alone.

I stepped through the garage door and into the kitchen. Immediately I heard squealing and two munchkins raced over from the couch and jumped on me. I caught them both, one in each arm, and said "Hey, kiddos! How was your day?"

They promptly burst into their individual stories at the same time so I said "Wait! Wait! Calm down and tell me one at a time!" They laughed as I rolled my eyes and carried them over to the couch.

I sat down with each one on one of my knees. "Bella. You can go first." I said. Henry pouted and crossed his arms but I said "Ladies first, bud." He had been learning so he nodded and Bella began.

"Okay ! Well fiwst I went to school wif Henwy and we pwayed with colors and numbers and did tag and I won! Then Daddy got us home and we watched Elmo and had lunch and I dwew a picture wif Henry but mine was good!" She spilled out in a tumble and stampede of words.

"That sounds like fun! So you had a good day huh?" I asked, bouncing her on my knee. She nodded and giggled excitedly. Henry now jumped off my knee and grabbed my neck.

"MY TURN!" he yelled, breaking my ear drum.

"Whoa, okay okay, but no shouting!" I said, pulling him back down to the couch.

He nodded seriously and said "I went to school and had fun then got home too. Then I saw you!" He put his hands up in the air as if it was amazing and I said "Wow! That's awesome dude!"

He smiled and then pointed to the TV and said "Will you watch with us?"

Bella tugged on my arm and said "Yeah, Chrissy, watch!"

I agreed, of course, and they yelled happily. Okay, clearly, my dad gave them sugar earlier to appease them. And now I would have to deal with it.

At that moment, my dad stepped out of his office and looked up from a file he was putting into his briefcase. Speak of the devil.

"Oh good, Christopher. You're here." he said in a formal tone.

"Yeah, Dad." I said, sighing back. "And I visited Mom today. She's doing better. Almost talking lucidly and everything."

He looked startled and said "Oh. Uh, yes. Good." I knew he didn't really care but I liked to keep him updated anyways. He ran a finger through his still brown hair that matched mine and said "I'm going to the office again. I have this report that-"

I interrupted him with a glare. "I know, Dad. You're busy. I'll save some dinner for you." He nodded once, straightened his tie, and said "Well then. Goodbye. Bella, Henry."

They jumped up so they were standing on the couch and waved at him. "Bye Daddy!" Bella called. "Bye!" Henry added with a jump.

I pulled them down and placed them on the floor. Then I threw a blanket over them. "Guys, let's just watch a movie and I'll make some Mac N' Cheese." Bella squealed in delight and Henry said "Yay! Yay! Yay!"

I turned on Finding Nemo and fast forwarded through the Barracuda scene. Then I hit play. I went to find a pot and then grabbed a box from the pantry. I filled the pot with water and started the oven, cringing at the flames that burst from it until I lowered the temp. I set the pot on top and set the oven timer for a few minutes, so I could wait until it boiled. Then I ran over to the kids and stretched out in between them. Bella placed her head on my chest and Henry sat beside me, matching the way I was sitting, with my arms behind my head.

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