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When I woke up the next morning, my foot was in tremendous pain so we all got into the car. I sat next to Dylan and Nick, who took turns elevating my foot, just in case it would help. Blake drove for 20 minutes until we arrived. He pulled up next to the curb and told Dylan to walk us all in. I struggled to slide off the leather and onto my good foot until Dylan just picked me up. I blushed a little as he walked over to the front desk. 

He explained the situation to the severe looking nurse by saying "Hi, yeah, my stupid little sister stepped on a nail. We pulled it out but we wanted to get it checked and all."

The nurse looked at him weirdly but nodded and went over to the hall to check for a doctor. I hissed "Was that necessary?" and I struggled to get out of his arms. I could hop to the room. He tightened his grip to keep me sitting and barked out a loud laugh that made some people stare. Then said "No, but it was funny."

I shook my head as the nurse came back. She looked at Dylan and said  "A room is now open with Dr. Clark. Room 23." She pointed to the back and Dylan nodded. That was when Blake walked in. He switched me from Dylan's arms to being held up by his shoulder and on one foot. I hopped on the cold tile until we reached Room 23. Then Blake set me on the crinkly paper covered bed. Because all four of my brothers wouldn't fit in the room, Talen and Dylan went to the waiting room. 

Then Dr. Clark came in. He seemed very friendly, and had pepper colored hair. He first inspected the wound by removing the white gauze we had put on it. Then he said to Blake "I see. Well, the solution is very simple here. I'll re-wash the wound and then I have to give you a Tetanus shot, and one more after that to clean it." He nodded officially and consulted the computer and Blake said "Alright."

The Doctor added "Oh, also, ummm... Blake, is it? You will need to go to the front to fill out the insurance paperwork, if you are the guardian, and I can do the injections now."

Blake looked at me and said "Is that okay, Dakota?" 

I nodded slowly, mostly because I didn't want to seem like a loser in front of the doctor and my bros. 

Blake squeezed my hand once, then walked out and said "Nick, stay with her." Nick nodded and stood closer, protectively. 

The Doctor left the room to get the shots and Nick said "Scared?"

I shook my head but he must've seen my timid expression because he said "Don't be scared, it'll be easy." with a scoff.

The doctor entered the room and I saw a flash of the needle. Then, he got a cotton ball, dipped it in antiseptic, and swabbed my upper arm. I began breathing faster and faster until the doctor said "Stay calm, it's just an injection. You may look away if it helps."

I looked away, towards Nick, and he said "Calm down, Kota." I nodded and looked down until I felt a hand grab mine. I turned my face up to see that Nick was holding my hand so I'd have something to squeeze when it hurt. He smiled and then I felt a small pinch and a cold feeling as the needle went in. I closed Nick's hand in a death grip. Then the doctor removed it from my arm, put a bandaid on top, and got out the next needle. I squeezed Nicks hand so hard the tips of his fingers turned purple, and he did the next one. Soon, it was over. I felt a little woozy but I could stand so I did. The doctor then gave me some crutches to use and I balanced, struggling to get out of the room. Nick helped by holding the doors open and we got back to the waiting room. I swung over to Blake, and he was still filling out the forms. He saw us enter and passed in the forms to the counter. 

"Are you okay?" he asked me, leading us to the car. I nodded but my arm and foot were still aching in pain. We got to the car and Dylan said "Don't worry if you're still hurting because Talen and I went out to get you some pain medication."

We got home soon and Dylan picked me up, telling Nick to bring my crutches over too. 

I thanked him as he set me down. He nodded and got me a glass of water to help wash down my pain medication. 

I drank the amount that I needed and choked on the grape flavoring taste. The world started spinning slightly and I said "Whoa..."

The boys came to watch a movie next to me and then Talen said "What's wrong with her?"

Apparently, my eyes were rolling back in my head a little. Nick said "Man, she must be all tired from the drug medication."

I fell back onto the couch and started to fade. Blake said "Hey, Dakota. Who won the prank war?"

I clumsily mumbled "You guys did."

Dylan said "No they didn't! Shut up Kota!"

"Sorry." I said lightly, rolling onto my stomach. "We're still smarter though." 

Nick said "You wish." I smacked his shoulder lightly with my arm and fell asleep.  

I woke up hours later and saw that everyone was still watching TV. 

Talen said "Hey, you're up." 

I nodded and then fell back asleep again. I was on and off for hours until finally, it was  midnight and I woke up fully. 

"Hey, guys." I said, noticing they were still in the same place. "Sup?" I slurred. 

"Dakota. we have to talk before we pass out again." Blake said.

"K." I said, trying to sit up straight. 

"Tomorrow, you're not going to school. You're going to go back on Tuesday though, in your crutches, and your foot should be healed very soon if you rest it so much." he said. I nodded, only a little excited to get a day off school. The problem with days off school is that mostly they came when you couldn't enjoy them. 

"I'll stay home with you." Blake offered. I nodded and said "Thanks." He started to say something else

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