Not the worst it could be

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The next day at school I stepped out of the car and Blake looked at me seriously. I smiled a little back defensively and he said "You remember what I told you, right?"

I nodded.

After Blake had checked all of our grades, he had talked with me for a while. He basically said there would be punishments if I kept my bad grade, and that I had to get it up higher as soon as possible. But way meaner. He also added that if my grade in Biology wasn't up by Monday, he wouldn't let me try out for soccer!!! The conversation involved many "BUT WHY?"s and "Because I said so!"s I walked away from the car and Dylan followed me to my locker. 

"What do you want, Dylan?" I asked him as I opened the locker door. I put some books inside and he said "Blake took my phone because my grades were so bad yesterday."

"And?" I asked, trying to keep the smirk discreet. 

"And guess who's fault that was?" he asked, leaning closer threateningly. 

"Umm... yours? For having bad grades?" I offered innocently. 

He stepped closer and I flinched back a little, even though I knew he wouldn't do anything in the hall. He smirked and said "No. It's your fault for telling him and trying to lie, which you know you suck at!"

I glared and said "God Dylan. I guess sorry about your phone. I guess you'll have to live without texting your girlfriend for a while." 

Dylan said "Don't try to be cool, Baby. It doesn't work for you."

I felt my face angrily blush and he walked away confidently. Just when I was starting to think he was getting to be a better brother, something like this happened.

For the rest of the day I focused completely on school and checking late assignments that I might have missed. In Biology, at the end of class, I even walked up to him and asked if I could do anything else. 

His lovely response was "Miss... Hastings, is it? I'm afraid there's nothing I can do."

"Umm.. Well, its just that... I am very close to a higher grade, sir. If there was just one thing I could retake, it would be so beneficial." 

He scratched his white haired head and paused. "Well, as I said two weeks ago, since everyone did poorly on the Chapter 6 test, I will allow retakes tomorrow at lunch."

"Tomorrow?" I squeaked.

"Is that a problem?" he asked meanly.

"N-no sir!" I answered trying to be polite but also freaking out. I quickly left the classroom and met Chris outside. 

"Everything going to work out?" he asked. 

I nodded and explained it all. He nodded and we walked out to the front of the school where we found Talen and Nick standing around impatiently.

 Talen said "Dakota, do you know where Dylan is?" 

"No clue!" I answered. I turned towards Chris and he shook his head too.

"Earlier he was on the football field I thought, but Blake took his phone so we're not sure." Nick said.

"I'll go check it out if you'd like." I offered, and Talen nodded.

Chris offered to go with me so we dropped our backpacks down and started walking over, hand in hand. 

We decided to investigate the field first and then the locker room if the field was empty. We turned the corner of the school building and the field came into view. The sun beat down on us and my vision turned white. I shielded my eyes and Chris said "Is he over there?" I looked up to see a mass of about 15 regular football players yelling and hooting like a bunch of losers.

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