Secrets and Ice Cream

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We walked in the park and I dragged Nick over to the first thing I saw; ice cream! The cart was cute and although it didn't cost too much, he immediately said no. I pouted until Blake walked over and promised I could get some later. 

I looked around and began spinning and turning every which way to see all the beautiful sights! I listened in on nearby conversations and looked at Main Street. There were carts with fake swords, and glow stick toys, people and kids running everywhere, princesses all dressed up and sooooo much food! WHAT THE HECK WERE YOU SUPPOSED TO DO FIRST? 

"Space mountain first." Blake said with authority. It was his favorite ride as a kid and that hadn't changed, for sure. We snaked between people until we finally got to the line. Only a half hour wait! We got in line and all started talking about what to do today.

"The Indiana Jones ride!!" Talen yelled. 

"I want to sit somewhere nice and enjoy a good meal, and Haunted Mansion." Nick said boringly. 

"Splash Mountain. End of Story." Dylan said.

I remembered that ride, the one with the big scary drops and the cute dancing forest creatures. 

"Awww does big scary Dylan like the cute lil animals?" I teased. He looked down at me through his sunglasses and glared. The punch came before Blake could stop him, and it hurt. I grabbed my arm and growled, the alternative being to cry out in pain. Blake let out a small laugh and Aubrey glared at him.

"Be nice." Taylor said to Dylan. Little late everyone. 

"What do you want cutie?" Blake asked me. Oh, he's being nice today! Wait, it's probably just because Aubrey's here. 

"I WANT ICE CREAM AND ALSO SPACE MOUNTAIN LIKE FIVE TIMES!" I yelled. Blake threw a hand over my mouth and said "Okay, well were going on Space Mountain now and ice cream after we have lunch." 

"Well whyyyyy, after lunch doesn't taste as good as instead of lunch??" I whined.

Dylan flicked my forehead and said "Tough." 

I tried to grab his hand but he pulled it away faster than I could and smirked. The line began shuffling forward some.

I poked his back as he walked in front of me and said "Okay what's your deal today, idiot?"

The line suddenly stopped so I rammed into his back and fell on my butt. I got up with an eye roll at myself and he turned around. "Okay. Fine. I'm upset."

"Why? Why here of all places?" the others were all turned away, still walking, so we could talk kinda privately. 

"Just... life and my future... and more. It's all stressing me out. I guess now is not exactly the best place to be thinking about that, huh?" he winked at me and I knew playful Dylan was back. 

"Well can I help in any way?" I offered, with a frown on my face. I hated it when anyone in my family was unhappy, unless it was by my hand. Then... it could be kinda funny. 

He poked my stomach teasingly and said "Yeah, you wanna help? Then you have to ride Space Mountain with me because I just know Taylor's gonna wimp out on me." 

I giggled and said "Mission accepted." and saluted. He laughed and we got closer to our family who were at the front of the line, by now we could see the "space ship" we would be riding in. It did look intimidating seeing the people shoot off quickly, but I wasn't scared. Since I was tall enough to ride all these rides I had gone with my family every single time. 

Taylor looked hesitantly at it and said "Dylan? Hon, I'm not feeling this ride, maybe I'll go like buy a churro and wait for you at the exit?" 

He looked at me with a knowing smile and I giggled, remembering what he had say. She left and then Blake, who was still in the front, organized us. 

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