Teachers Pet

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The next days classes raced by, and I mostly spent my classes looking at Biology flashcards under the table. At lunch, I sat down and took the test. And it was surprisingly easy! I finished in record timing, and passed it in to my teacher with a huge smile plastered on my face. He looked coldly back at me, but I barely saw because I was too busy skipping out of the room. 

I opened the door proudly and then saw Chris, leaning against a locker talking to someone. My tunnel vision focused on him like always and I walked over confidently. Once I was close enough to him, I leaned over to peck him on the cheek. He spun at the last second too and we kissed on the lips before a brief second. When I pulled away, I could tell by his smirk that he meant to do that. 

"Surprised?" he asked, with a raised eyebrow.

I nodded once, but happily. 

He laughed and then I heard a cough and turned to the right to see Lily Montgomery standing there and glaring at me. 

When Chris turned to her, her face twisted back into an innocent expression. Her lips puffed out and her eyes widened, stretching her long and dark lashes out around her hazel eyes. Why weren't mine that long? And how'd she do that cute head tilt thing? Why couldn't I be that cute? 

No. Wait. That's jealous negative thinking. I can't let it leak into my head.

Then I started listening to the conversation. 

"So, the history homework for tonight is just the handout she gave us on the Civil War I believe." he said. 

Lily stuck out her lower lip. "Ugh but it was so long! Like 100 questions!"

Chris chuckled and said "Well, they seemed like pretty easy questions though..."

"Yeah." Lily pouted. "But I'm just so bad at history! Maybe... I mean, maybe you could help me sometime? After school?"

My mouth dropped open and my eyes widened. WAS SHE KIDDING? Did she not notice I was standing right here with them! Chris looked over at me and then back to her. 

"Ummmm.... I'm kind of busy." he said, kindly. I glared at her and grabbed his hand, twisting my fingers between his. 

"Oh... come on! You couldn't spare one little day?" she said. WAS SHE NOT FEELING THE DAGGERS I SHOT AT HER THROUGH MY EYES??

He laughed and said "Um.. I have football and stuff so...no." 

She flipped back her hair and smiled. "Alright. Well maybe I'll see you at your games then." 

"Well. I will be... playing. So, I guess." he said stiffly. She stayed focused on him and he coughed and looked at me apologetically. He turned back to her and said "Well, bye then."

Then we turned and walked away. 

"What was that?" I spat angrily at Chris, right as we got away from the witch. "She was all over you!"

"Awwww, Dakota, are you jealous?" Chris asked with a smirk and a wicked gleam in his eyes. 

"Nooooo." I protested, my mouth forming a tight, straight line. We sat on a bench next to our Bio class, which we had next, even though I had just been in there.

He smiled his gorgeous straight smile and said "You so are."

I smiled back and said "Maybe a littttttle."

He leaned over and  rested his head on top of mine. I smiled and he said "You don't need to be."

"Oh yeah?" I asked. 

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