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He looked around the wall and said "WAIT! Is that CHRIS?"

I chuckled awkwardly and said "Well..."

His eyes looked like they were popping out of his head.

"YOU... and, Chris? Chris, my Chris? And you?" He asked, trying to make sense of it all.

"We're not together." I said quickly. He slightly calmed down and I waited until his breathing was regular.

"He just felt bad for me and wanted to help me get my mind off things." I explained, honestly.

"Oh. Well I guess thats alright then." he said, running a hand through his hair. "But why does he care?"

"I don't know, we're friends." I mumbled.

"You don't have friends!" he said. "Yes I do!" I protested. He said "Ok, Ok. you might have, like, one."

I ignored this and said "Anyways, thanks for finding me, you can leave now."

He said "No way. You're still grounded, Dakota." I turned to him, breathing in hugely and ready to yell until he said "Whoa, whoa! I just mean Blake hasn't cleared it so we should go home and ask him! Calm down!"

I calmed and said "Fine, but Chris can drive me."

He said "No! I'm driving you."

"Come on," I whined, grabbing his arm. "I left my stuff in his car and I should explain everything to him and said Bye and thank you and all!" I said.

He thought about it for a second and then said "Fine. I'll see you at home in 10 minutes. If you're not there by then, I will tell Blake EVERYTHING that happened."

I shoved him towards the car and said "Fine. Now go."

Then I walked over to Chris again.

"Need a ride home?" he asked, standing. I nodded and he said "Alright. Glad Dylan's letting me take you instead of driving you himself."

"It was a fight, but I won." I said, following him to his car.

"So, what did you tell him about... us?" he asked, trying to sound casual.

"I told him that you were being nice and taking me around.. and that we're not together, obviously." I said, watching him closely. He looked back at me and nodded once. He seemed slightly disappointed and I was about to ask why until he said

"So, do you feel like talking now? What was wrong today?" We climbed into the car and I shut the door closed, and he began driving.

I sighed. "I was just feeling a little stressed and annoyed at my brothers and Luke and I broke up and all."

"Why'd you break up?" he asked, not prying but seemingly curious.

"It just... wasn't working out."

"Why?" he asked lightly.

"I don't, exactly, feel anything with him, anymore." I said, looking straight at Chris's ocean blue eyes that were focused on the road. His smile filled his face and he parked the car at my house. I opened the door and hopped out, then picked up all my stuff. I looked into his eyes to thank him and he said "What do you feel?"

His eyes smoldered and I was momentarily stunned. I stuttered "I- Um. I..." Then I heard Dyan call "Dakota! Get inside!" He must've seen the car from the window.

"I have to go." I said, for once thanking God that Dylan was so annoying and too protective.

He smiled knowingly and said "Alright, then. See ya!" I nodded and he said "And, if you're still all needy by Friday, we could hang out again?" he offered. 

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