Parent Trap

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"Here's how we'll do it..." Nick started.

Talen and I sat up straighter, trying to grasp his every word. 

"First, we'll set an alarm for really early. Then, we'll go to sleep but wake up with the alarm. Then, we'll creep into the others tent. Lastly, we'll pick up Blake and Dylan's air mattresses, and we'll pull them out and put them on the lake." he said, rubbing his hands together like some TV villain.

 "Like in that movie Parent Trap!" I said. Talen laughed and said "I'm in." 

"Same!" I added.

Nick smirked and said "Perfect."

"So now what?" I asked, buzzing with excitement. 

"Now... we sleep." Nick said, as if it was obvious. He set the alarm clock on his phone and said "I'll wake you guys up in the morning. Early." We nodded and each got settled on the tent floor. We sat in silence for a few minutes and then I started to hear snoring. Talen and Nick were asleep. Already. I sighed and looked up at the dark blue fabric of the tent. 

Dylan's POV:

Blake and I said a brief good night and then I waited for him to go to sleep. He was such a deep sleeper that I knew there wouldn't be any issues with me trying to sneak out. 

And I was right, of course. I chuckled at the sight of Blake curled up in the fetal position while he slept. For such a big guy, you'd think it would be more like a giant sprawled at figure, but not him. Ever since I could remember, he slept like that. I threw on a hoodie over my T-shirt and zipped open the tent screen. I stepped outside and breathed in the cool air. Then I quickly clomped over to Blake's backpack. We had a pile of them outside the tent, and I found his easily. I dragged it over across the dirt to a chair and sat down. It took a little digging, but finally, I found it. My I-phone. 

I clicked it on and my lips curled into a faint smile. 13 unread messages, probably from Taylor. 

I started scrolling through them and my smile grew with each passing second. 

My messages read:

Taylor:  Hey Babe, what's up? 


Dylan? Ya there?

DYLAN? I'm bored! Text me!

Ok, now I'm worried. What's wrong, are you alright???


I looked up from her texts and laughed. I loved my girlfriend. I scrolled through the rest and my smile remained on my face until I saw one text in particular. 

It said:

Haha nvm, Dakota sent me a text that said "Campin!" and sent me this pic. I didn't know you drooled in your sleep? Have fun! ;)

I clicked the attachment and it popped open on my screen. A giant, high definition picture of me asleep and drooling onto my Hollister T-shirt, taken in the car. By Dakota!

That brat was gonna get it from me later! I answered Taylor with a "Yep, we're camping. I'll text you when I get back!" and then a heart emoji. I chuckled, Taylor loved that kind of crap. I slowly scrolled through the remaining texts and saw lastly one from Chris and one from Dakota. Blake must've allowed her a minute to text this weekend, no way she would've snuck out without permission to get her phone like I would. 

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