Truth or Dare

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Downstairs, I saw Emma, and she grabbed my arm immediately and asked if I was alright. Huh. I wondered what my face looked like.

Okay, calm down Dakota. You know about it. You knew Aubrey and Blake were old enough. You knew they were dating. You knew this. So why is it so shocking? I guess it's probably because Blake always kind of seemed like a dad to me, since he protected us all and watched out for us for years. And to see your dad doing it with his girlfriend is kind of a shock. I heard the door open and Blake step outside to talk to the police then.

"Oh gosh, what should I say to him? What would he say to me?" I mumbled.

Emma said "What happened Kota? Are you okay??"

I nodded and faked a smile. This. was. weird.

I heard Blake come back inside and then the music quieted down.

He called out "Okay guys, time for the after party, which involves no loud blasting music and hopefully no more police officers visiting." I heard all the people besides our close friends try to leave. Then Blake walked into the kitchen and pulled me to the corner.

"Can we talk?" he asked, somewhat desperately.

I nodded hesitantly and he led me out into the chilly backyard and into the tree house. We sat on the edge and I pulled my arms around me to protect from the breeze. Blake noticed so he unzipped his huge red hoodie and put it around me. I thanked him and after a minute he said "Okay... we should talk."

I nodded.

"So... Aubrey and I... we- well you know." he coughed awkwardly. "Which is natural for teenagers. But not your age! I meant adults! We're adults. Ok, basically, it happened, and I'm sorry you saw what you saw. Which was nothing really, right?"

I nodded.

He let out a breath. "Ok. Sorry. Oh and can you please not mention this to the others?" he said with a grimace.

I smiled. "Why not?" I asked.

"Cause it's embarrassing and awkward." he said, scratching his arm. I laughed and he looked at me somewhat startled. "What's so funny?" he asked.


"Finally what?" he asked.

"Finally I have something to hold over you." I said, climbing down the ladder. Blake followed and said "Or I could just threaten you with punches?" he offered, raising a fist. I glared up at him but saw his eyes sparkle a little with humor. I said "Ha ha." and his face spread into a smile.

We went inside and saw only a few people left. I saw Luke and Reilly still hanging out so I came over to them.

"Hey guys. Where are my brothers?" I asked, looking at the trashed and abandoned room.

They shook their heads that they didn't know but then we heard a voice.


Reilly said "Please please please can we Dakota?"

I looked at Luke and he smiled. "Yeah, let's go." We walked up and I knocked on Dylan's door. I had learned my lesson. I heard "Come in!" We walked in and Dylan looked up at us from a circle on the floor.

"Oh. Kota. Yeah, I guess you're allowed to play." Dylan said looking up at us.

"Gee, thanks." I said, sitting in the circle across from him. I looked around the circle and saw Dylan, Taylor, Talen, Emma, Eric, Blake, Nick, and... Chris, on Dylan's right.

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