Party Starting Right Now

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Dylan pulled up next to the sidewalk and parked. Then we all got out. Everyone nearby turned to us, impressed. So there were perks to being a Hastings, even if it came with idiotic brothers. 

I stepped out and looked up at the house, that literally looked like it was shaking. I squealed and tried not to jump up and down. I looked at the lawn which was littered with SOLO cups and random people. We walked forward and we passed some screaming girls, some drunk guys, and many couples making out. There was even a guy on the roof, who some were encouraging to jump off. Then we got inside. 

I couldn't hear myself think and I smiled looking at the flashing lights, the loud music speakers blaring, and the dancing people. Nick walked off immediately to some Theater friends, who were talking about a drinking game that they always played. Dylan then looked down at me as if reminded and said "No. Alcohol. I am not kidding, Baby. Do not test me." He looked me dead in the eyes. I nodded and exaggerated a giant smile and wave as Dylan and Taylor waved and then wormed their way through the crowd to go dance.

 I saw Talen heading to the right so I followed him, because I couldn't see Luke yet. He walked over to the table with the drinks so I followed and he passed me a SOLO cup. My eyes widened when I noticed it was alcoholic. He winked and said "Live a little." I thought about Dylan and Blake and then even Eric. I thought about how they kept calling me Baby. I downed the drink quickly with a smile and it burned going down and then didn't even taste good! I spluttered and coughed it out and Talen laughed at me and turned around to leave. As soon as he turned around though I cracked up because he crashed straight into a girl. I then recognized the girl vaguely as the one who had helped me with Orientation on my first day, Amy I think it was. The girl forgave him immediately and they hit it off and began talking. I smiled, trying to pretend to be a part of their obviously two person conversation. Eventually I turned around and sighed. I set my first drink down on the table and grabbed a can of beer instead then. The taste wasn't terrible so I kept drinking. I could use a little liquid excitement in my veins right now. 

Then I felt a hug from behind. 

"Luke!" I said turning around with a smile. 

I saw an older brown haired guy wrap his arms around me. Not Luke. Not Luke. "I'll be whoever you want me to be." he said, grinding on me now. I pulled away and politely said "I'm good." I walked away quickly.

I saw Luke enter the house just then from across the room so I ran over to him, exuberantly and wrapped my arms around him. 

"Heyyyy." he said with a smile. "How're you?" he asked. 

"Great." I answered, grabbing his hand.

"Wanna dance?" he asked, now tugging me over to the dance floor while I laughed and nodded. 

 We began rocking to the beat of different songs and Luke kept pulling me closer and closer till we were practically one. 

We danced for a while and had a couple more drinks until Luke yelled over the music "You look beautiful!" 

I thanked him and he leaned in for a kiss. I responded eagerly, and the haze from the drinks began to swirl in my brain a little. I stumbled a little but continued kissing him. He leaned away and we continued dancing until he leaned down until his lips brushed my ear. 

"Wanna go somewhere a little more... private?" he offered, pointing to the upstairs. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and nodded immediately. 

He smiled and led me up the stairs as I tried not to trip. We got into the first room on our right and he turned on the lights and then dimmed them. 

I smiled at the rose pink colored walls and we went over to the white king sized bed. I hesitated at first but he smiled at me and kissed my cheek. That encouraged me to follow him as he sat on the bed. 

He crushed his lips against mine, and I tried to keep up with his rapid pace. He kept kissing me as I ran my fingers through his gorgeous, soft blond hair. Then he pressed me against the bed lightly and stood above me.  As my head stretched back he kissed my neck, then blew lightly on it, sending shivers through my body. He then stretched his hand out and put his fingers through the center opening of my dress onto my stomach. It traveled slowly up and I sat somewhat stunned. He started sliding it higher then until it almost reached my chest and I swatted it away. 

"No. Luke." I mumbled. He tried it again with more force. I pushed it back again and turned on my side.  He began to kiss my jaw and then my shoulder repeatedly. I wasn't sure I liked this anymore. I tried to push him off but he thrust his body against me and kissed me again.

"No, Luke!" I tried to shout. He just moaned "Come onnnnn. Don't be lame!" and kept trying. I summoned all my strength and then pushed him off of me. "No." I repeated. I walked over to the door. 

He sat back on the bed stunned. "Kota, Come back now!" he asked, slightly dazed, stretching his hands out towards me. I stupidly yelled "It's DAkota!" and I turned to the door. A few tears slipped out and I attempted to wipe them away but they began to pour. I fiddled with the handle but then finally opened the door and decided I would just sprint to the car. I opened it up and ran into a guy holding his girlfriends hand.

I looked up to apologize and saw Dylan, who looked behind me and saw Luke, lying on the bed.

He glared at me. "What did you do?" he said through clenched teeth with glaring eyes. 

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The cool pic up top is a random pic of a party but I thought it was cool. And thanks for all the reads guys!:)

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