I Wonder Why

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On Sunday, I slept in late and when I finally decided to get out of bed I saw that the clock said it was almost noon. Well, that seemed like enough sleep to me. 

I brushed my hair a little to stop it from pointing out in all directions and then I went downstairs. The boys were all in the living room watching some stupid movie together but what I quickly realized was that they weren't the only people here. I looked up embarrassed as I saw Derek, Taylor, Aubrey, Kyle, Mason, Chris, and my brothers all sitting on the couch, chairs, and floor, talking. They turned and noticed me and my my eyes widened in surprise. Instead of making a good excuse or witty remark, I just sprinted back out of the room and upstairs. 

WHY DID NO ONE WARN ME THAT WE HAD PEOPLE OVER? My hair was a tornado pretty much still, I was wearing some lame pajamas I had had since I was like 4, and I hadn't even brushed my teeth or anything yet. 

I quickly fixed this by taking a fast shower, blow drying my hair out, and putting on regular clothes. Then I brushed my teeth and decided to go back down. This might be awkward. On the way through the hall to the front room I ran into Derek. My favorite...

"Hey, little girl." he said, managing to irritate me in just three words.

"What?" I asked rudely, trying to get around him.

He jokingly blocked my way and said "I just wanted to say I don't know why you changed. Your little cloud pajamas were very cute."

"Shut the fuck up." I said crossing my arms over my chest, unfortunately at the exact moment that Blake was walking in too. 

"Dakota!" he warned once. 

I rolled my eyes, but where he couldn't see, and Derek said "Better listen to your big brothers Kota. They're in charge." 

I sucked in a breath, ready to let him have it, but at that point he pulled back and moved around me, letting me go by. 

I ran into the room and saw Aubrey sitting on the couch so I walked over to her to hug her once before saying Hi to Taylor, then running to Chris. 

He was stretched out on the couch facing away from me, talking to Dylan, so I decided to surprise him. 

I crept up slowly and then at once I jumped in the air and pounced. I landed lightly next to him with my head by his,practically resting my chin on his shoulder. He spun around in shock and I kissed him before he could even realize it was me. When he did he laughed and said "Wow. You're one frightening monster."

"I know." I said, flipping my hair back jokingly.

Dylan, who was looking annoyed at being interrupted, said "She's not frightening. She's the exact opposite of the word scary."

"I could be scary!" I protested, as I curled up on Chris's side. He slung an arm over me and said "Of course you could."

Dylan laughed and said "No fucking way would anyone ever think of you as scary, sorry baby."

I glared at him and he said "Fine, let's take a vote." He turned to the rest of the room and said "Does anyone here think that Dakota could ever or has ever been scary? Raise your hand if you think she is." 

I turned hopefully around but Kyle and Mason just started laughing and Blake gave me a pitying kind of smile. 

"I could!!" I said. "You guys don't know everything!"

Dylan said "Prove it. Be scary, right now." He stood up from the couch and looked down at me from his huge height. 

I would've refused but everyone was watching so I had to give it a try. I stood up regularly first but that was a pitiful attempt so I climbed up so I was standing on the couch and maybe one inch shorter than Dylan. I looked directly in his eyes and glared, then crossed my arms over my chest, copying his stance. 

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