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After we finished lunch, we all made the plan to go down to the lake. Although the water was murky, we had never had any other trouble with it before so we weren't exactly scared.  Well, I tried not to be. We took turns putting on our swimsuits in the tents and then Dylan challenged us all to race down to the lake. He took off and we all followed, pushing through foliage and leaping over roots. Dylan led the party, followed by Talen, me, Blake, and then Nick. Nick shoved up further and we ran practically side by side and in sync until we reached the lake. The others ran to the water, along the small, breaking boardwalk and one by one leapt into the water. 

I, on the other hand, skidded to a stop before I reached it. It was just... the water looked so cold... and green... and, murky. I mean, we hadn't been here in a while... Could something be.... in the water?

I walked over to the edge of the slippery boardwalk and looked down. The boys heads all popped out and they loudly whooped at their stupid accomplishment. Then they noticed me. 

"Come on, Baby! Just jump in!" Dylan yelled, smirking at my stupidity. 

"It's not that bad!" Talen coaxed kindly, although he couldn't help but chuckle a little too.

"Scaredy cat!" Nick teased, swimming perfectly across a stretch of water and back. 

Blake said "Dakota, you don't have to get in. You can just sit in the tents or wait by the edge."

"No... I guess I'll get in." I said, putting my feet on the edge of the board walk, with my toes sticking off. I dipped one toe in to feel the tepid water and then stepped into place. I leaned back on my heels and forward but didn't jump in. 

"I'll count it off for you." Dylan offered. I nodded and he said "Threeeee. Twwwwo. Onnnnnne. Jump!" 

I took a few steps back, trying to be careful on the uneven wood, and then I jumped off the edge, leaning forward. Instead of the perfect dive I had imagined, I smacked hard into the water in a belly flop and sank down. I kept my eyes firmly shut to protect from lake water and any creepy creatures and then I swam to the top of the water. I gurgled out bubbles and then reached the top in seconds. I heard a "Smooth" and I rolled my eyes.  

I swam over to where the others were and relished int he fact that the water wasn't cold at all today. The sun had probably warmed it all morning. 

When I got to the others, I floated at the top, treading and looking around me for signs of sea monsters. They all surrounded me in a circle but I was still nervous as I dunked my head under and resurfaced. That was when I felt something brush my leg. I looked up in front of me to see Blake, who looked curious about the frightened expression on my face. 

"Did you feel that?" I asked, scared, pulling my legs closer to the surface.

Blake shook his head and said "Calm down, Dakota. Nothing is there."

I nodded and continued treading, until I felt something else brush my other leg.  

"Blaaaaaaaake." I moaned nervously, taking deep breaths and looking around me, but seeing only maybe an inch further than the green surface. 

He stretched into his back and said "Don't worry so much! Just enjoy yourself."

Just before I could nod to accept this, I felt a sharp bite on my foot. 

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!" I yelled, swimming as fast as I could towards the tip of the boardwalk. I reached it in seconds and summoning my strength, I climbed up onto it and using my upper body strength, what little of it there was. I pulled myself further from the water and curled into a ball near the edge, looking down at the water and trying to warn my brothers to get out too.

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