The Play

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The lights went down and impressive fake snow began to fall over the large, black stage. Some characters dressed in old rag costumes came running out and began to speak in loud voices. I was completely submerged into the play experience until I suddenly felt a tiny spark. I looked to my right to see Luke looking over at me, smiling. 

I leaned over and whispered "Why so happy?"

He smiled and leaned in, breathing his cool breath onto me. 

"Just glad to be with you." he said nicely. 

"Aww. You too." I said, trying to contain a giant smile. The play continued and I started to watch again until I felt Luke looking at me again. I looked over at him. 

"What?" I asked again in a whisper. 

He gave no answer but instead stretched his hand towards me and grabbed mine. His warm palm closed around my cold one and it stayed there throughout the whole first act. He sometimes lightly squeezed it and I tried to stay calm although I felt a thousand flutters in my stomach and my smile was brightly burning in the darkness. The play took a break, and when intermission began we stood up to stretch our legs. Eric asked me to go get him a snack from the table area outside so I walked out, holding Luke's hand still. When people began to stare slightly, I tried to pull my hand away.  Luke noticed so he grabbed it tighter and held it close to him. I awkwardly chuckled but smiled inwardly. 

The cold air brushed my bare arms and I shivered slightly. Luke noticed so he passed me his brown leather jacket with a smile. I refused at first but he insisted so I pulled it around me and I leaned over to him. "Thank you." I said, swooning inside. 

He then dragged me over to a small green bench overlooking a grass area. We sat and talked about the play a little. I looked into his gorgeous eyes and saw the stars shining around us. We saw people going inside for part 2 of the play so Luke stood, and pulled me to my feet. The second we were both standing, I leaned over to him and pecked him on the lips. He pulled back for a second in shock and then gave me a lopsided grin. He pushed forward and pecked me on the lips back. I smiled too and then we held hands and walked back inside. We grabbed our seats just as the lights went out. 

Eric leaned over to me. "Where's my food?" he asked. 

Oh yeah, He wanted a snack! My bad. 

"Ummmm... I forgot." I said, chuckling nervously. 

"Dude. You went outside for one thing. What were you doing?"  he asked.

I tried to keep my face straight but might've blushed, possibly quite a lot. 

"Wow. Nice, Kota." Eric said, he must've guessed what had happened. 

"Shut it." I whispered with a frown as the play began again. 

I watched as Nick stormed onto the stage for Act 2. So far he hadn't messed up anything, and I was grateful. It was the worst feeling when we got home and Nick wouldn't talk to anyone because of one small failure that had happened on stage. He was definitely a perfectionist. 

Right now he was talking with one of the ghosts. Although I was trying to focus on the plot, it was hard because Nick was wearing an old night gown and had gray powder covering his hair. Blake and I both kept chuckling. The others were mostly zoning out or otherwise actually enjoying it. 

Finally, the play finished and the lights came back on. The actors came out one by one and took a bow to much applause. Last but not least, Nick came out and gave a bow. 

Aubrey, Blake, Dylan, Taylor, Emma, Eric, and I all stood up, and Luke followed too. We all pumped our fists in the air and jumped up and down, screaming "WOOOOOOOOOOOO NICK YEAH GO NICK WOOOOO!" He blushed and moved to the side of the stage, and then every character took a bow altogether and then ran off stage left. We waited for a few minutes and then Nick came out and passed  Emma his costume to hold. Then he went back behind the stage to get his stuff. 

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