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Element Turtles:


Leo: Water.

Donnie: Earth.

Raph: Fire.

Mikey: Air.


You lived 2 hours away from the Big Apple, in the countryside. Your parents decided to raise you in the country, where the air was cleaner. You had just turned four, at the age where you were especially curious. Currently, you were hiding under your covers during a thunderstorm. You flinched with each clap of thunder and flash of lightening, quaking in fear while hugging your pillow for comfort. You clamped your eyes shut and tried to block it out, but the storm seemed to only grow louder. And.. began to sound different.. like.. fighting. Lightening struck and thunder boomed again, but you heard voices clamoring, strikes landing and being blocked (if a four year old even knows what that sounds like).

You scrambled out of your bed and peeked out your window, overlooking the neighbors corn field, which had yet to be planted.
Out in the field were several people, clearly ignoring the no trespassing sign, and doing something you couldn't register, as sight was limited due to the heavy rainfall. One was emitting a strange glow that flickered a lot, and you saw them charge another, only for two more to hold them back. Your eyes lit up with excitement and curiosity as you pulled on your boots and a rain jacket over your f/c 'cutie pie' p.j's. You tiptoe past your mom and dads room and out to the front door, leaving the safety and warmth of your home to investigate the strange beings outside.

As you crept closer, you heard voices, shouting at each other. You hid behind a rock and listened.

"Raph, ugh, stop... calm.. down!"

You heard grunting and heavy breathing before another spoke.

"Lemme at 'em! It's his fault we're stuck like this! It's his fault I'm like this!" The one you believe to be 'Raph' growls. You direct your attention to the light, which is very similar to... fire. And, on the ground is the strange shapes and shadows you would see on the bottom of a pool, looking especially eerie with the light coming from somewhere.. or someone.
You peeked over the rock, and your eyes widened as your gaze darted in every direction, trying to take in as much as possible.

Closest to you was a being made completely of water. The clearest, bluest water you ever saw, shimmering and rippling when the rain hit him. The only thing that was solid was his belt and weapons, which were two large, thin swords (katana) with blue handles, sheathed on his back, which looked strange and, almost deformed.

Raph, you assumed, who was being held back by two others, was made completely out of fire. The flames danced and flickered across his arms and back, hissing when the rain came in contact. You could see his face, although it was difficult to make out, and you felt the urge to shiver, seeing his eyes, like red hot coals. He also had a belt, and large, fork-like things hanging on it (sais), with red handles.

One individual holding Raph back was made out of material related to the Earth. Grass was his skin, the short, bright green kind, bending with the slightest sign of wind. His feet had less grass, and consisted more of rich, dark soil. So was his back and chest. It was hard to tell what his eyes were, but you guessed it was pebbles.
On his back was a large stick, possibly as tall as him, who was, by the way, very very tall, and round his waist was a belt, like the others.

The last one was a smidge shorter then Raph, and was partly made of orange leaves. They swirled inside him, drifted away, then came back. His eyes were two smaller leaves, and he didn't seem to be touching the ground. The rest of him, his arms, face, legs, were made of air, which would be impossible to see if it didn't have some dust in it.
His belt had nunchucks hanging on them. You knew what they were because your dad pointed them out in a karate movie.

They were truly strange, you thought.

You were amazed at these strange creatures, and being the young naïve child you were, wanted to greet them.
You stood from your hiding place, coming closer and closer to the Water man, when Raph suddenly exploded, ripping away his arms to attack the Water man. The flames he wore burned as bright as his rage, the light illuminating the faces around him, including yours. Raph tackled the Water man, the moment they hit the ground a loud flash of lightening stroke mere feet away. You were able to jump aside in the nick of time, and watched Raph try to punch the other with fiery fists, rolling around the field. The rain grew heavier as lightening quickened its strikes, just like the fighting duo. The Earth man grew tired of their foolery and thrust his hands to them, and vines grew under the Fire man and Water man, pulling them apart as they caught their breath.

"Raph, Leo, stop! It's bad enough we've gotten in this mess," he gestured to his grassy skin and dirt feet, "we don't need someone to get injured! Mikey, where are we?"

"A while from NYC. Not to bad if you ask me, we could've landed anywhere." Everyone rolled their eyes at 'Mikey', who to you, seemed to be the youngest. You decided to make yourself known, and timidly walked up to the one who seemed the most responsible at the moment, the Earth man. You tapped his leg, not noticing how his dirt skin seemed to crawl away at your light touch for a moment, revealing green skin. He looked down, his brown pebble eyes widening when he acknowledged you.

"Hi. I'm Y/n. What are you doing in Mr. Wilson's field?" You ask, rocking on your heels and smiling sweetly. The Earth man suddenly jumped back, the vines dropping Raph and Leo, who noticed you too.


"You look funny," you interrupted, "what are you?"

"What do we look like, missy?" Raph grumbled.

You smiled and walked over to him, feeling the heat of his flames beat on your face.
"You look like a meteorite from my books." You giggled, watching his face flicker to amusement for a second, then returned to ticked off.
"You look like the pond behind my house, but cleaner." You smiled at Leo, who chuckled at your remarks.
"You look like my mommy's garden," you said to the Earth man, "and you look like.." you paused when it came to Mikey. "I don't know what you look like.. You remind me of Fall."

Mikey smiled at you and swept you up in his arms, his leafy fingers brushing hair from your face.

"She's a keeper." He chuckles. "I'm Mikey, that's Leo and Raph, and he's Donnie." He points to each of the beings surrounding you both, and you beam. Mikey suddenly gasps, and you look to see spots of him revealing green skin where your bare skin touches the air Mikey consists of.

"Wh-whats happening to you? A-am I hurting you?" You asked fearfully, leaning away from Mikey.

"N-no.. I-I don't know.. Donnie, what's going on?"


"Sweetie?" Your mother called, opening the door to your bedroom and peeking in. You were sound asleep, and you mother smiled in content and relief as she closed the door.

When you hear her footsteps retreat, you sat up and studied the f/c flower Donnie had given you.

"We'll see you soon Y/n. Tell no one of us."

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