Taken.. ~Leo~

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Leo loves you. You are his entire world, the princess of his kingdom. So on that horrible day, he felt like someone stabbed him in the heart. Pain radiated across his chest, 10x worse than what he felt before that night in the park. He couldn't breathe, partly because being thrown off a moving van knocked the wind out of him. He felt like the ground was crumbling underneath his feet. He felt that he failed you. That he failed to protect you.
This is what really happened.


"Y/N, I HEARD EVERYTHING!! I'M COMING TO GET YOU RIGHT NOW!! HANG IN THERE PRINCESS!" Leo shouted into his T-phone. He and his brothers were already on the rooftops, force to join Leo on investigating his bad feeling.

"Aw, he calls her princess.." Mikey grinned, answered with three glares and a loud: "SHUT IT MIKEY!"

Leo ran ahead of all of them, his limbs aching with each step and his lungs burning with each breath. He spotted the van and jumped on, followed by his brothers, all panting from the long run.

"Ok, Raph and Donnie, stay up here in case someone comes while Mikey and I—" Leo began, cut off when Bebop climbed up to the roof of the van with a smirk.

"Well, well, well, looks like we've got some ugly green boogers on the roof. I'm gonna have'ta scrap 'em off!" Bebop snorted as he pulled out something that looked similar to a light-saber.

"I-is that.." Mikey stared at the device in the mutant hog's hands with wide eyes.

"Let's see what this thing can do!" Bebop grinned as he pressed a button on the side of the little trinket. The four green skinned mutants gulped as a red glowing beam shot up out of the opening in the top.

"Yup, that's a light saber," Donnie answered Mikey with an exhausted sigh. "This'll be fun.."

Bebop charged first, grinning widely as his glowing red blade cut through Donatello's Bō staff, Raphael's sais and Mikey's nunchucks like a warm knife cutting through butter. The three younger brothers were thrown off the van, leaving Leo and Bebop alone. Leonardo glared at Bebop as he tightened his grip around his katana blades.

"I'm gonna make you pay for touching Y/n," he growled.

Bebop laughed.
"Boy, you have no idea what your in for! You should step back while ya can," Bebop advised with a smirk as he waves his light saber, just to hear it hum. Leo growled and charged Bebop, clashing weapons with a clang and a vwoosh. Leo was surprised when his katana blades held out against the light saber, his shock turning to courage and determination as he fought Bebop, jumping, pushing, dodging and flipping all the while. But then, he landed at the edge of the van. Leo lost his balance, regained it, only for Bebop to slice at his plastron and kick him off. Leo rolled on the asphalt, wincing and crying out in pain before standing and running after the van. Once it drove out of sight, Leo fell to his knees, clutching his plastron. Unable to tell the difference between the pain from his heart and the pain from his cut, Leo began to cry just as it began to rain. Dark storm clouds thundered overhead as the rain beat against Leo's shell, mixing with his tears in the asphalt.

"Y/n," Leo sobbed as he shut his eyes. "I'm so sorry.."

"I failed you.."


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