Transformed.. •Dōbutsu•

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You watch with wide eyes as Electrica and Iro spar near your cage. Electrica uses a katana made of pure electricity and Iro uses a staff and shield of solid color. Their powers are so amazing. You hope yours is as cool as theirs, but you don't look forward to the mutating process.

Finally Stockman comes for you. You breathe heavily as your heart pounds, walking over to the table. Stockman straps you in and buzzes around, preparing a needle for your arm. You close your eyes and focus on the one thing that has kept you sane.

-Revenge on Donatello.-

This repeats in your head as Stockman injects mutagen into your bloodstream, along with some sort of pairing to complete the mutation. Like how he gave Electrica the mutagen injection then a shock of electricity. You're not sure what he paired the mutagen with to result in Iro's powers. Maybe some colored powder..

All at once, pain shoots through your body. It climbs up your spine and blasts through your limbs. Your heart beats harder than ever, and you scream so loud that Baxter covers his ears. You cry as you scream for hours on end. The pain leaves for a moment before returning quickly, tripling your torture. You think of making Donnie scream twice as much. The thought of doubling Donatello's torture to justify your own keeps you alive as your bones crack and snap, changing and altering. You grip your restraints as your fingers and nails grow, your screams growing louder with each passing moment. Buzzkill's many eyes widen in shock and surprise as your bones and body structure shift and change into a mutant cheetah. Your skin is yellow fur dotted with black. Your long tail flicks back and forth as you open your golden cat-like eyes and your whiskers and nose twitch. You turn your head to the mutant fly and grin a gleaming white, sharp-toothed grin.

"How do I look?" You purr with a smirk.


"Interesting.." Shredder muses as he watches you pace your cage on all fours in a mutant human tiger form, staring at Shredder for a moment before shifting your gaze to Tiger Claw and smirking slyly, stopping with one hand/paw above the ground. Tiger Claw clears his throat and looks away from you.

"Will you have me train her, Master Shredder?" He asks in a respective tone.

Shredder watches as you shift to a mutant panther and stretch out on the ground.
"Yes. She seems to take to feline forms. You will show her how to use her features and abilities." Shredder glances at Tiger Claw, and he nods respectively.

"As you wish, Master Shredder." Tiger Claw replies, turning back to you. You growl lowly with a toothy grin, your black fur slick and shiny, long muscular legs stretched out as you arch your back and yawn. Your voice is sly and seductive, even if you don't mean it to be. Your eyes stay their original e/c color, but brighter or darker depending on your form. You continue planning Donatello's torture as you train with Tiger Claw.

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