Just Dance

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It was night, and you and April, now feeling better, were up on the rooftop, just goofing off. You had a stereo to the side, and you two were dancing to each song that came on, with wide smiles.
Meanwhile, Mikey was skating over rooftops, alone, performing flips, jumps, and many more tricks. When he heard music in the distance, he immediately wanted to find it.
As he drew closer, it grew louder, and he began to hear cheerful laughter.
Finally, he came to the rooftop next to you and April's, and was able to see you and her dancing. He kept to the shadows as he watched you spin around, jump, slide, all types of dancing and such. You had the happiest expression that you could muster. In that moment, everything was alright. All your worries and problems disappeared from your mind, and your sole mission was to enjoy yourself, to not have to worry about everything for once.
Mikey smiled as he watched you, happy that you were happy. He didn't know why, but he felt the most joy when he saw your smile. He couldn't image how he'd feel of you were upset.

Then moon came out, the pale rays illuminating your face, arms, everything. Your e/c eyes sparkled while a soft breeze started swirling around you. You thought it was a normal breeze. It wasn't.
Mikey had to dance with you. So, he reverted to his wind form. Something interesting he had discovered, he could be invisible. So now, he was dancing with you, as a playful gust of wind.
At the climax of the song, you grabbed April's hands, and you both spun around. Mikey could only watch in a love sick daze.

He inched closer once you and April separated to dance on your own, and swirled around you. His hands lingered over yours, not touching, as he didn't want to give himself away, and he danced with you.
While doing so, oblivious to everything but you, he didn't notice the wind pick up, making your hair spin around, cooling your skin, and causing you to smile even wider.
Suddenly, you jumped forward and hugged Mikey, who, in shock and surprise, returned to his natural form.

"Hi Mikey!" You chirped, continuing to dance with him, this time holding his hands in a friendly way.

"A-a-ah.. h-hi Y-Y/n.." Mikey replied bashfully.

You giggled.
"If you wanted to join us, all you had to do was ask."

Mikey smiled sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.
"I, um.. I didn't want to interrupt.." he admitted, and you grinned, spinning you and him around.

"Well I'm glad you could join us," you said, letting Mikey go for April to dance with, while you spun on your own. Mikey smiled, all his attention on you. April noticed this, and smirked. She pushed Mikey back to you, putting a little too much force in it. Mikey bumped into you, his hands ending up around your waist. An unwanted blush traveled to your cheeks, but thankfully Mikey couldn't see it, as the dancing had already made your face quite flushed. He gulped, unsure what to do, and decided to jeep his arms around you. You both danced slowly as the song ended, and another started, with a slower pace. His blush, and light as it was, could be seen against his green skin, and it confused you.

-Why would he blush..? It's not like..- your train of thought was broken when Mikey stepped away from you. He dropped his green, three fingered hands to his sides, biting his lip as he searched for words.

"I- um.. I-I need to go. B-bye Y/n, April."

Then he left, jumping over to the next roof and grabbing his skateboard, then rolling away.
Your face still held that blush, later that night when you were brushing your teeth. Passing April in the hallway, she held a knowing smile, and that bugged you.

"What's up with you?" You asked curiously.

"Oh.. nothing." She smiled wider, and you huffed.

"Fine, don't tell me." You cross your arms and turn to your room.

"Don't worry, you'll find out soon enough." She giggles, and you groan before retiring to bed.


Mikey tossed and turned in bed, struggling to sleep. Your laughter rang in his ears, your smile never left his vision, and his hands still tingled from when you held them. His thoughts were stuck on you, what you did after he left, what you ate for dinner that night.
Finally, hours later, he slowly drifted to sleep.


Michelangelo found himself in a dark void. All around him was black, and where he stood was a spotlight.
In the distance, he saw another light. He ran over to it, and found you, dancing the the light. You had on regular clothes, and you held a subtle smile. When you saw Mikey, your smile grew larger.

"Mikey," your voice had an angelic ring to it as you stopped dancing and walked over to him. "Come dance with me."

Mikey could only nod, and let you take his hands. You grinned and spun around with him when music began to play from nowhere. Your hands were so small in his, and soft. Mikey loved holding them.
Before he knew what he was doing, Mikey was spinning you around, when you stopped suddenly, coming closer then Mikey had expected. Your arms came around his neck, and your face drew closer and closer to his, until-

"MIKEY!" Raph bellowed, pulling Mikey out of bed by his foot.

"Ow! What is it?" Mikey whined.

"Time for breakfast." Then Raph left the room. Mikey rubbed his eyes in exhaustion, then got up and put his belt and mask on, heading for the kitchen. All he could think about, was that very strange, and interesting dream.

"I wonder if I'm sick." Mikey thought out loud.

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