Taken.. ~Raph~

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You are Raphael's whole world. He lives for your smile. Your laughter makes his heart flutter. And on that horrible night, he felt like someone had ripped his heart out of his chest. He could barely breathe, he couldn't think of anything other than 'save Y/n'. And when he couldn't, when he failed to save you, he felt like his heart had burst into flames and turned into a pile of ash.
This is what really happened.


"Hello, Y/n?" Raph answered his T-phone, only to be met with Fish Face's voice.

"We'll see how much of that spunk is left after—"

Raph didn't hear what Fish Face said next because he had already ran out of the Lair. His brothers scrambled after him, but he ran faster than they had ever seen him run, and he left them in the dust.

Normally, it would've taken five minutes to get to the park. Raph made it in 1 1/2.

"Y/N!" He shouted as he saw you pinned down by a Purple Dragon. You didn't hear him.
"Y/N!!" Raphael shouted again as he saw Fish Face stuff something in your face.
"Y/N!!!" Raph practically screamed as he jumped down just as you passed out from the chloroform.

"Stall him!" Fish Face ordered. Raphael's blood boiled as he saw your unconscious body in the mutants arms. As the Purple Dragons tackled him and stabbed him with pocket knives and whacked him with bats and wrenches, all Raph could think was get Y/n! Those two words repeatedly screamed in his mind as he fought the surrounding PDs with everything he had. When the car started, his eyes sparked with rage. When it began moving, his entire body burst into flames as he screamed with pure rage and hatred towards Shredder and his henchman, scaring off the PDs as he ran after the van you were in. Blood dotted the road behind him as his many cuts bled. His body screamed and throbbed with pain as he pushes himself to keep running.

-Get Y/n!-

-GET Y/N!-

-GET Y/N!!-

But he was too beaten to keep up the chase. Once the van disappeared from sight, Raph fell to the ground with exhaustion and cried. He cried like never before, slumping to the ground as his suppressed physical pain came rushing in to his senses and nerves. He couldn't tell the physical pain from the emotional pain. His wounds continued to bleed, and he continued to kneel on the asphalt until his brothers found him and carried him home, all wearing a look of mourning and grief.

Raph then promised to you and himself that he would find you.

Even if it killed him.

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